What day will I start my interval?

I had my time may 9 it ended may 13. What time should I start this month. I started four days early within may. and i am going to Mexico to the beach contained by 5 days. I'm freakin out here. I can't be on my period when i walk to mexico. I need to hold it wed(tomorow) or thur.

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An average time is 28 days. Begin counting from Day 1 of your last time of year. Yes, you can have your term at the beach. Mexican women hold periods, too!

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Unfortunately, you can never control when you're going to acquire it, but you are supposed to count 28 days from the day you started your last interval. So if you got it may 9, you start counting on that afternoon, and count up to 28, you can put some sort of a mark on your calendar to remind you.
I hope that help.

Why Does it hurt when i have sex?

u should thieve that period and shove it up ur !!
i dnk wat to do cuz i didn't even read the hole question


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count 28 days and then you'll find out

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You will most likley hold it around the ame time as last month, so around June 9.If you are different to having your peroid, afterwards it fluctuates (changes) a lot. Like when I first get mine a couple of years ago,I would somwtimes skip a month.I hope everything works out well for you because I know how you be aware of!

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