Stupidd spell?

okay, so heres the deal : im going to military camp this week and we will be swimming all week long and my time will be starting this week therefore i cant swim.. i be determined what do i sayy? i dont know how to swim or something. I dont just want to be close to im on my period, .. UGH so embarassing! i repugnance periods especially when im going to something fun it seem to always take place. any suggestions?

Some penis are small or big so what kind of condom should you use for different sizes?

I deduce it would be a pitty to give up a military camp for a period! Use tampons. To generate sure nothing embarrasing happen, change them as regularly as possible. Don't be economic on them, it's your turn to hold fun while you have your interval!

Water use survey?

use a tampon..then you can swim.

Does anybody know the vaginal plastic surgent around brand new york /new jersey area ?!?!? please consent to me know?

best thing i can influence is use a tampon. I don't really like to do swim and enjoy a tampon but I have up to that time and I had no problems and it be only for a minute. I know how frustrated you must be but thats about the merely thing i can infer of.


Well, if I were you, I'd merely say I'm on my term lol. But if you don't want to, what's wrong with simply not wanting to swim? Just tell them you don't quality like swimming. It shouldn't be any big concord.

Or, you could make something up in the region of how swimming intensifies the sun's harmful rays and you don't want to achieve burned or skin cancer or something like that?

Also, the flow slows or stops when you win into water, usually. Maybe you could wear a panty-liner in you swim suit, but not stay in too long.

What's recommended homeopathically for bacterial vaginosis?

Use a tampon and of late kinda explain it 2 1 of the female counselors or directors if near is one.

Why does it always appear that my mentrual cylce starts the same time as the closest friend of mine?

use a tampon

Should I switch to menstrual cups?

the just thing i can right to be heard is use a tampon, dont worry give or take a few it, and make sure u translate it regularly!

How much does appearance change after extent?

how old are you????/

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