I found a small pea size painful lump in left breast, im sure its zilch, but should a benign lump be painful


I need your minister to Girls?


Am i pregnant?

GO TO THE DOCTOR!!!!... please!

Possible reasons for misssing a term other than pregnancy and birth control?

no It shouldn't my suggestion to you would be to phone up and go see your doctor or call for the hospital or clinic you go to and ask to have a chat to a nurse and then they can relay you if you need to be see or not but, most likely they will notify you that you need to be see by your doctor so go ahead formulate that call and hope you find something out and gain to feeling better again!!

Depo injection (contriception injection)?

This could be serious. Do not frenzy. Just call you OB/GYN immediately. Thats the best thing to do, because not a soul will know what it is, unless tests are perform. I hope its nothing, for your sake.

How do you help out a virgin have sex?

alot of family have benign lumps that are Not aching. Have you had a mammogram and biopsy? Please do this!!


Don't be foolish. Have a mammogram and find out for sure.

Do you reason I'm fat?

If I want to know why my neighbor drives a faultless kind of vehicle, I don't ask my doctor. If I hold a medical question, I don't ask my neighbor or friends or nearest and dearest.I take myself to the doctor and almost run him crazy beside questions.
I would probably be late now from breast cancer if I have not done this.
It is much better to KNOW than to sit around and worry.

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