What is a good age to start have kids? Why?

I am not sexually active, and don't hold a man therefoe I can't get pregnant but I want a toddler. I'm 21 with no kids. I head a more seltered life, and I'm shy as adjectives out doors of men. What should I do, and should I tell a man that I want kids contained by the near adjectives if I ever get contained by a relationship? Thanks and have a nice daylight.

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powerfully wait until you find your one love later get married. you will be abundantly happier with contained by you self if you wait for your one love and acquire married then manufacture baby's

pilfer care

Calling all woman?

Why don't you try getting married first?

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I'm the exact same agency and my plan is to have kids when I'm around 30, after I've had time to move around and enjoy fun. But I would think that if you are ever surrounded by a relationship and it gets serious ample to talk more or less the future, that you should mention that you want kids. I wouldn't bring it up out of the blue because that could alarm some guys away. But just play it by ear, and see what happen. Best of luck.

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There is no right time to own a baby. I have mine at 15 and my bil who is over 30 has on the other hand to have one. I am 26 immediately and I feel that this age is better the surrounded by my late 30's or 40's. After seeing a indisputable man(one who will love you and take strictness of you not a jerk) who loves you telling him will be unforced don't beat around the bush men don't seem to be to pick up on that well lol. There is zilch wrong with waiting if to be precise what your life have in store for you. Have fun .

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have your kids in your 20's. that way you can delight in them. if you wait until your 30's, you will shift through alot of extract testing, and your kids will hold a higher luck of a(n) disability. check with your Dr. most of adjectives, do what is best for you at this time.
P.S. yes tell you mate that you would love to own kids some day

Hi im 29 and going threw surgical menopause, i cogitate im going crazy, can anyone help, plez i inevitability suggestions?

I think a right age to start having kids would be between 23 and 28. Because you've get the energy that will be needed to hang on to up with little ones, plus you won't be an elderly granny when they get married and own kids. I'm 50 years old and enjoy a 4 year old grandson. I still enjoy lots of energy to save up with him and am looking forward to seeing him grow up. Usually, you don't yak about kids next to a fellow until you're really close to getting engaged. Talking in the order of kids with a guy in the past that might scare him rotten! Relax and get to be friends first, back getting serious. You've still got lots of time. <*)))><

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People are disappearing it longer and longer. Our friends are aving their first... they are turning 38 this year. Our kids are in high university, one in university... so we be 24 for the first one.

I think best to start infantile.. because you have the dash that youth brings for resilience and the inexperience in life important to attract lots of help... and you go and get your freedom back, within part until that time you turn 50... so you can have a touch break before the grandchildren arrive.

The other alternative is to be within your late 30's and still planning children.. you own lots of money for childcare... you have no self-control and you are set in your ways... you are used to the lofty life of ingestion out every night... consequently along comes this ball and cuff. tethers you to your home and spews all over you. nobody help... and you are in this profession until you are at least 60... you capture a couple of years rest... and along come grandkids... and no-body ever moves out of your home. so you are stuck feeding them, driving them around... working to nurture them and pay for them to progress on excursions... you get to verbs up for them as your reward... and Generation Y children.. don't do anything for themselves... just envision what generation Z children will be resembling.

Come to think of it... my warning is to abandon the view immediately.

Shaving down here?

I want to have a kid at about 23. That's a well-mannered age..
But yeah, it doesn't matter, you own to find someone that you'd die for and love like crazy, and consequently you can get married to him, and later decide how much it really matter what age you want to be when you have kids.

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i estimate a goos age would be...24 or later...and why...okay because once your 24 you will most likely hold a stable job and know how to care for a newborn... :]


Wen will i get my time!?

Well, I had kids at 19 & 20 i hold time to enjoy them and when they are adjectives grown up and out of the house i will still be young adequate to have fun and hold a life, BUT.. My husband and i don't own much of a life in a minute, no friday nights, no party or friends, so if your willing to own a family later anytimes a good time..The man portion. Find someone that will stick around be a good dad, and won't hurt and harm you or the children, cuz the children see that and could end up close to that. Find Someone that you know growing old and dieing doesn't event cuz you know that you'll always own that person.

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If you are financially stable and mentally ready for a child,I would speak between the ages of 25 and 30 are a good age.I be 21 and had 2 already.That be way to babyish and I know it now.Ask a friend if you can take caution of there child a couple of times so you can see if you can feel it,than decide.Definitely let somebody know a partner that you want children.If they don't find someone else to be with.You will definately necessitate help and support from someone to do this.I be a single mom and it was tough,but we adjectives survived.

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