How can I become more moving?

I have have two surgeries ralitivly close together one in April of final year and the other in the beging of December of closing year. I am still recovering? What kinda of exercise can I do to get out strees in need hurting myself?

I have NO self confidence!! Help?

Well it really depends on the injury that you have if its uper body then to start getting your muscles final to normal again you inevitability to do light lifting eg sit and see tv with a tin of beans in both hand and just do for a while lifting for a few mins a day after make them slightly heavier, that get the uper body slowly back on track, Lower body best track is to start walking up the stairs every time you want to get up eg if you want a drink shift up the stairs 1st then procure one, then do for a time further like to the l0cal shops if that still does not work contact someone within the local gym, hope this helps.

How can i grasp a boob job?


2 question about boobs?

WALK. It's the best, least possible harmful, form of exercise here is. Just get out in that and walk. Go slowly at first, and little by little each week pick up the gait and extend the time you walk.

Periods suck!?

you should discuss/check near your doctor first, BUT, swimming is a great and low impact workout.

Can you take the morning after pill next to your normal everyday birth control?

Well i really love military arts, maybe you would to you should check for some contained by your area. Try tae kwon do near is usually a good mix of guys and girls surrounded by that art. If you like wrestling check for jiu jitsu. You will find mostly guys in that one though.

I am 27, ive other had a 26 morning cycle, first time my periods come on the 33rd day and they be scant?

go do some exsersize at the rec center they have classes for salvage,but i don,t know what they call it.

I be on Ortholow I started it on 4/29 and took it for a week then have a period 5/7 and havent have one since?

not sure what type of surgery you had. unless you have both legs amputated, you should be able to tramp the afternoon of the surgery or the next daytime. you have have plenty of time to get former the total recuperation time. get out and move.

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