If i have sex whilst i am on my time of year and use a condom is there any probability of me getting pregnant ?


I want 2 b taller?

If you used the condom correctly then it's one and only a 1% chance of getting pregnant.

Using it correctly manner putting it on as soon as he is hard (before he have produced pre-come), and making sure that it is removed carefully.

You can still gain pregnant during your period. It's smaller amount likely, but it can still take place.

Period Question?

Your chances would be slim to none.

I weigh 144 pounds?

Your probability are slim, but it is still possible to become pregnant at any time, cycle or no cycle.

Please someone! i need the abet too!?

Although there's a small possibility, as you can return with pregant anytime of your cycle, the chances of you getting pregnant lower than these circumstances are almost non-existent.

Since Yesterday I have be getting dizzy spells? See details.?

It is possible but not probable.Plus sex while on a period?Ew.

What tampon/pad last the longest?

I bet thats messy lol

How long does it take to clear up the skin while taking the BC pill yaz?

no...u dont even entail a condom if u are on your period

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