How can I cheer up?

I feel so lost at the moment, plus things are not going resourcefully at all right immediately. What can I do?

I'm 19 and have a serious issue beside vaginal dryness?

Go out, get some fresh nouns regardless of what the weather is like where on earth you live...
Take a walk...
And you should quality better.

If there is anything we can comfort you with here surrounded by Y/A - don't hesitate to ask. :-)

What is the side effects of taking birth control pills?

Help somebody else. Ladle food at a soup kitchen, donate a homeless person some food (not cash), tramp dogs at the animal shelter. I guarantee you that after you do something for someone else - even a random stroke of kindness - taking an hoary lady's grocery card pay for to the front of the store, you will feel better.


Do oral contraceptives increase breast size?

listen to music find fresh air and chitchat to some friends maybe they'll support you and if you dont have friends write surrounded by a diary or journal keep hold of your self occupied so you dont give attention to about wat ever is wrong

Ectopic Pregnancy or something else?

in amalgamation to what everyone else said, try thinking about how much worse things could be for you. similar to whenever i have a doomed to failure day at work, i guess 'at least i enjoy a job, i could be not sufficiently expert to work sitting in the hospital', or something like that.

Could taking contraceptive pill result in bad skin?

you could plan a trip to a place that you hold always considered necessary to visit...that other cheers me up and it gives you something to look forward to!

Birth control and missed period?

Just pray sincerely about it sista and believe it is already taken diligence of. As I hear all the time surrounded by Narcotics Anonymous... this too shall pass. Let it move about and find your inner strength to move on. We adjectives have it. You merely have to swot up how to tap into it. Peace and Blessings Honeychild...

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