Advice please?! =/?

ok i feel really embarrased asking this,, but lately me and my boyfriend had sex, afterwards, i notice the condom was leak at the end,, where on earth the opening of it is, im really worried and don't know what to do as i am overdue for a peroid =/ please help me.

This is my first time using tampons?

Take a pregnancy interview. Also, you worrying about it can rationale you to be late for your time of year. Take the test so you can achieve back to everyday.

REALLY short period?

The just thing you can do is budge get a pregnancy testing and check if your pregnant.Not much more you can do about it in a minute.Good luck.


go to the local drug store a get a pregenancy try-out.

Should I still take my Birth Control pills?

take a pregnancy try-out. it's the only agency you'll know for sure.

I stoped taken my pill on tuseday cus i thought i might b pregent i have ben bleedin olden times three days and p

At this point, all you can do is keep on, dear. How late are you? If you are over a week behind, purchase a pregnancy test. If you're mortified to do so, ask your boyfriend to pick one up for you. Once you've gotten the results, then you receive a plan of action. If you're pregnant, dance to the doctor. If you aren't, thank God for small favors and be more careful. Good luck!

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Late period happen adjectives the time. And you are stressed due to the leaky condom (good for you guys for using them). Stress can cause a time of year to go AWOL. I suggest for peace of mind you shift and buy a test. But dally until your period is at least possible a full week late. Did this leaky encounter occur recently? If so, I importantly doubt you are pregnant. The window for ovulation is in fact small, so that lessens your likelihood. I think if you try to relax and stay unruffled about this...your body will achieve back on track.

All the best to you!

What are apt extercies to lose weight?

Get a pregnancy testing - there's not much more you can do at this point beside cross your fingers.
For the adjectives, make sure you know the correct process to put on a condom - they are very influential at birth control, but only if used correctly.

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