How Do You Lose counterbalance after 4 kids?

I have 4 Children Ages 6,3,2and 4 Mths and am simply 40 more pounds than i want to be but it is so hard to return with off why

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My Dr. told me that a obedient diet, plenty of rest as well as walking or running around next to our kids is the best plan. I drink 12 glasses of dampen, never eat pasta, rice, potatoes, and red meat just once a week. I eat flax seed(1-2tbs)walnuts and almonds (slivers)every daytime, (no sugar,cream, sauces or fried foods). Eat greens alot, strawberries, use extra virgin olive oil. herb are great. (no cream soups) Sub way is great! I can eat this too! I eat plenty of fish, salmon, chicken and wraps, multigrain bread. I also run 2 fiber pills and chromium pills@ bed. I lost 10 pounds in 3 weeks and kept it sour and still going to loose.

What day is really morning one of your cycle?

eat right
avoid stress

Have any of had sex i hear that the first time it hurts?

exersise. do lots of sit ups , crunches , try yoga .... walking wouldnt hurt . cut back to 2 meal and 2 light snacks a afternoon. cut down on any red meat intake you have to single once a week and try and watch adjectives carbs and calories you are taking in.

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The older we acquire the harder it is too lose that weight, but that does not tight-fisted impossible. If you are really determined to lose the weight you MUST exercise. Cardio is the biggest aide surrounded by helping to shed those pounds. You need to run, amble, get on an egg-shaped machine, anything you can do. If you do at least 30 minutes of cardio where on earth you keep your heart rate at 70% of your majority rate, you will shed those pounds fast. The subsequent thing is really to keep under surveillance your food intake. If you rather not curtail what you chomp through, then start a program close to weight watchers where on earth you can eat doesn`t matter what you want, but within restrictions. They really do help you be in charge of your caloric intake. A lot of fish and vegetables and NOT starving yourself will do the trick. Just try to munch through healthy, fish, grilled chicken, lots of vegetables and dampen, water, river. Water increases your metabolism. Last is sleep. When you sleep you shed weight. I hope this adjectives helps.

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drink AT LEAST a gallon of hose a will facilitate curb appetite and you can eat doesn`t matter what you want...

Period with track and pasture?

Don't try to lose it in a few weeks. Try to lose 2 pounds a week. Eat 5 small meal a soda.....20 minutes of exercise a morning.

You're right it is hard but next to perseverance it'll come stale.

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