Yeast infection in back nouns?

I have have yeast infections but need to know if this infection can travel final to the anus area. I do nto enjoy itch in vagina anymore but I didnt bring it treated. Is it possible to be 'cured' for vaginal and have anal yeast infection? Is within even something called 'anal yeast infection?' Help! I can control the itch but once i start, I cant stop (therefore, irritation).

Does it hert when you own sex for the first time?

You might want to be sure you get tested for diabetes. If you are a diabetic you requirement to know because yeast infections are very adjectives if blood sugar is too high too frequently.
The better you control diabetes the smaller amount frequently you'll have yeast infections. How much sugar are you getting in your diet? Even if you're not a diabetic you could be have yeast infections from the amount of sugar you are consuming.
Also you might want to look up CANDIDA. This is an "overall" yeast infection in the body more serious than a yeast infection in the vagina.
Best Wishes for your health, JM

Nipples: what is that taste/smell?

Never hear of a "back door" yeast infection but here are some STD's that have the symptoms you describe. Or it might possibly be the soap you're using is any something you are allergic to or you need to rinse better. I'd check out the STD and possibly crabs also! Maybe chose your partner a little more discriminatory!

Period help----plz"U"U"U"U"U"U?

Maybe you a moment ago have a unpromising case of hemorrhoids. They can also itch similar to crazy. Use Tucks, or Prep-H. This will burn at first, because of irritation, but what a relief it will be surrounded by the end.

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I woudls go see the Dr. Dude, you can bring back the herp back near and pinworm and roids and all sorts of other stuff that can itch. I have poison ivy so bad it get into my mucos membranes and yea buddy what a time that was! I would alternate prep- h for a bit beside hydrocortosone cream and take Liquid benadryle at dark so you don't scratch your a ss sour. If it still flares up after 2or 3 days Id go to el Dr.

Drysol sound out!!?

you are very sick.....if you can find a doctor ready to look at you you best go

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also try eating more yougurt. yeast infections are usually from antibotics and if you get through yougurt while on them you should not get the yeast infection. subsequent time don't wait for it to spread. wasn't fun was it, and you have to pay the doctor bill an.yway

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