I wobbly like 4 times every 2-3 weeks.wats that niggardly?

please help.i dont wna budge see a doctor...


How can i make my term come? please only serious answers, and no "see a doc" answers!?

may be you're suffering from anemia. seize lots of rest and sleep.

Laproscopy to Confirm Endometrioses? Help?

it's not normal, so you stipulation to see a doctor

How do u get rid of a yeast infection?

It way you see George Clooney 2 to 3 times a week.

The depression medication I am on has decrease my sex drive immensely. What can I do to perk it back up?

that its time to see your doctor!

Eating 2 much?

Umm... I would, you know only just to be on the safe side. They'll probably afford u some medicine to relieve you.

How do you clear up your face when you're on your time.?

There could be many reason - some potentially deadly.
Seeing a doctor is the best article to do.

Look at it this way, if he finds what is wrong, he may be capable of quickly and easilly solve your problem. Then you don't own to worry roughly feinting and as a result falling and injuring yourself more!

With absolutely no more information than what you enjoy told me and playing the odds, I'm betting its one of the following:

Mitral Valve Prolapse

Really, in attendance is no reason to be afraid of that doctor pop in.

USG of breast?

See a doctor.
it also can mean...
That resources you might need to chomp through more like decent foods, you will get dizzy if you don't munch through enough and afterwards faint.

Do u know any site?

It vehicle that you are probably not getting enough to put away. You are most likely anorexic or bulumic. I would bring checked out in the hospital if I be you. You also could have brain problems next to the blood circulation (strokes).

What is the best form of exercise to lose belly fat?


My dr said that i can't enjoy kids what should i do?

you should though=it might be something you need fixed and going away it too long will not be good for you

Is it majority to have your interval stop a little after have sex?

something is not rite
maybe u are allergic to somethin or own some kind of disease
pls run see a doc asap!!

Is it normal to own a low sex drive after ive had my interval?

You really should see a doctor, maybe your blood pressure is messed up or something

Vaginal Contaceptive Films?

Well you enjoy to, any time you lose consciousness involuntarily is dangerous and can exact you harm physically and mentally. What type of fainting do you be set to?

Tubal ligation?

you're still going to have to travel see a doctor

Pro's / Con's of the shot / norplant?

It means Satan is possessing you! For more information walk watch The Exorsist.
Enjoy your time near your host!

Ok so i shaved "down there" bout 3 days ago and.??

This is not normal and you necessitate to see a doctor. You have a choice, you can any see a doctor or your family and friends can see you at the funeral home.

Why does it hurt taking a tampon past its sell-by date?

you could have a really unpromising case of the clap. shift see a doctor.

Im worriedpuhlease help?

First past its sell-by date you need to step to the HOSPITAL, and not a doctor. That isn't a good sign, it could be something markedly serious! My brother has a infrequent heart problem and he fainted close to 2 times a week, so it could be heart related or something to do with the brain. I faint a few times when I was 15 becaues I didnt devour enough, I weigh like 102 lbs.

Can you own an Endometrial Biopsy while menstrating?

Could be Anemic...you need to jump to the doc, sorry.. it could also be low blood pressure as well as a host of other things.low blood sugar..

Only a doc can transmit you for certain.

Please inform me about when you first started your extent.?

well your probably arent eating plenty or are really dehidrated. but this is serious you need to see a doctor.

Female Pop’s her ??H ??entity need permanent status?

There are actuallyu a lot of things that can be cause you to faint. Try looking over this document of things and see which situation best fits you. It will help you peter out the cause down.
I know you don't want to run see a Dr., but you really should. This is very uncharacteristic and there could be a serious function behind it.


Ovulation, when?

My first guess would be that you are anemic. You can try taking vitamins, especially ones illustrious in iron, but you should turn see a doctor for complete blood work. There might be something seriously wrong.

Question about my time of year?

considering your spelling...lol...I would say that your mom still take you to the doctor...so Ask your mom about it, also you involve to see a doctor..and fast. A number of things could be wrong! Low blood pressure, poo blood circulation, not ample oxygen getting to your brain...etc...all of which could be dicey! Please go see a doctor...even if its a university nurse or something!
ciao for now,
tara =D

Birth Control Alesse put somebody through the mill?

there could be alot of explanations. things that pop into my head right away, is that possibly your not drinking enough sea. dehydration leads to faint and passing out. Another article that pops up is the question of whether or not your getting adequate rest every night at lowest possible 7 hours worth. Eating normally, healthily, conceivably? If you faint because you grain weak, devour more healthy foods. If you lightheaded outta nowhere for no apparent judgment, you must go see a doctor. Not with the sole purpose is this bad for your strength and body, but it can lead to bigger problems, solve the problem rash before its too slow if my tips dont work for you. I hope I helped, fitting luck ^-^

Does anyone know of any medicine for stretch marks-am a Ghanaian?

You might own an iron deficiency. Sounds resembling it anyway. A doctor will take rather blood sample and the probably communicate you to take an over-the-counter supplement. You should also increase your intake of iron rich foods.

Iron less (anemia) can be caused by indigestible periods. But not necessarily so. In any defence, it is very, greatly common among women and exceptionally easily corrected.

Good luck!

What type of prescription used to study womens diseases?

Why don't you want to see a doctor? Fainting can be a sign of a serious problem.

It's impossible to make an online diagnosis - especially from inhabitants who aren't trained medical professionals.

Go get a routine physical and report to the doctor about your faint spells. He or she will ask you questions more or less when they occur and such and consequently do a thourough exam. Exams are not that bad. If you don't hold a doctor, ask your friends for a good referral.

What does it parsimonious when the clitoris swells up after sex?

it means u gotta see a doctor

Spotting give somebody the third degree. please help?

That's not commonplace, you should see a doctor before someone have to call an ambulance because you're lying on a footpath knocked out.

Eat your breakfast!

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