
What causes palpitations and what can be done to stop them?

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"Palpitation is the uncomfortable awareness of the heart feat.

Normal palpitations occur next to exercise, emotion and stress or after taking substances which increase adrenergic movement or decrease vagal hustle and bustle.

Abnormal palpitations may occur for no justification and may be fast or strong-and-slow.

Palpitations point to cardiac arrhythmia; however masses with rhythm disturbances will not enjoy palpitations, instead experiencing syncope, shock and chest pain."

No interval for 2 months?

I have them too and I hold heard that drinking caffeine is one create

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If you're a coffee drinker, switch to decaf.

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Palpitations are a "miss fire" of the heart. It is basically from an irregular heart pace and the part that those feel is in actual fact the next conventional heart beat. In mild cases simply shifting positions or coughing puts enough pressure within the chest to stop it. More serious ones are usually controlled by medication or pacemaker. They can be triggered by serious heart problems or something as simple as caffeine.


Stress is the major factor, also caffeine intake can also bring them, there are a few medical conditions that can also incentive them, i.e. thyroid probs or anaemia, do you get them when resting i.f so more possible to be stress and anxiety. If you are worried go to the doctors to put your mind at rest, if you are worried just about them the worse they will get. Good luck

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Your question is for a while vague so I'll confer some general info. If you are have any difficulties with your heart, please consult a Dr. Palpitations can be explanation by a lot of things such as caffeine, stress, overeating and logically medical problems with the heart. The most adjectives cause of palpitations is call the "holiday heart" caused from over-indulging. Try adjectives out caffeine (and all stimulants) and see if that help. Also find ways to reduce your stress plane like working out or meditation. Hope this help.

What should i do?

Get it checked out by your doctor.
I was suffering from palpitations too, and after a heart scan I found out I have a bicuspid aortic valve. Which is birth deformity, on the aortic valve, which cause it to leak when it closes. after mortal advised to trim down caffeine intake things are a lot better.
Of coarse it may be zilch as some people newly get them, but best be secure.
good luck...

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Almost everyone have them at some point. They are almost always safe. Stress, excess caffiene, heart valve problems, and/or anxiety disorders can basis them.
The only time you really own to worry something like them is if you get dizzy while have them.

Help Im Having a FAT day?

hi i am a nurse you should really walk to the doctor about this, as you can't be to meticulous with your heart and he should do an ECG (Echo cardio gram) which is sticking probes to your chest, arms and ankles, which help yourself to a heart trace

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