What does it suggest when the clitoris swells up after sex?


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It means you're a stout woman with biddable blood flow. Your clit swells during sex acts because that's what it is supposed to. The increased bloodflow to your vagina increases during sexual excitement, it is lately getting ready for that mind blowing orgasm. After the orgasm you will get the impression a spasm or twitch which is when the body knows it's finished and starts pumping the blood hindmost out of this area. If you don't orgasm it may appropriate longer for the blood to go backbone. So enjoy it!

What will come up if i had sex on my "ending days" of mentrual period?

That's colloquial, its your body's way of showing you're aroused, and it happen because of the extra blood rushing around down there after sex.

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The clitoris is a globe of nerves in a skin sac that when is stimulated produces pleasurable effects. When it is stimulated, more blood is sent to the nerves to increase sensation and as a result swells the clitoris.

If this persists an hour after sexual contact, see a doctor.

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this is pretty central, but what does it mean when a man's penis swells up during sex? Same item. The clitoris is the female hometown of the male penis. All humans are feminine in the womb until roughly the third month of gestation when the Y chromosome kicks contained by and starts producing testosterone to create the male organs from the beginnings of the womanly organs.

After getting a tubal ligation, I've heard lots of women gain immensity. Is this true?

blood rushed to that area, purely like a penis get hard from blood rushing to that nouns. Think of your clitoris like a mini penis. It is fluent, and you probably or were all set to have an orgasm.

I enjoy not started my period but i'm have a heavy shadowy yellow discharge and some brown jelly close to stuff!

It's normal. There's deeply of friction going on in that area which could generate it sweel, and you are more than likely aroused, which vehicle blood is flowing to that area. Trust me, it's not a impossible thing.

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It means it be GOOD!

I need some guidance about gyn?

blood have engorged it so that you would feel pleasure

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