Tubal ligation?

I wanted to know if tubal ligation can be done vaginally simply after birth(i just read it contained by the net) or does it have to be done surgically,any information given on this would be appreciated.

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it have to be done surgically.now they can do it laperoscopically so a moment ago tiny scars instead of a long mark,and the healing rate is faster.i know from experience.

I thought that when you be ovulating you had clear stuff that comes out of your vagina?

To my (Limited... next to a capital "L") familiarity, the procedure would need to be done surgically. Somebody I know vastly well go through this a few years back, and at that time they completed it surgically.

Help me diagnos and fix this.?

Ligation have to be done surgically, although this is a really minor procedure. But you can have plugs inserted vaginally. They are only as effective and can even be reversed after that if you want to have children again.

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I would have to read aloud it has to be done surgically... I own 2 kids and after the second one which was a vaginal birth I have to be put under and taken to surgery. It really is not that doomed to failure though. They make a small incision in your belly button and do it through in attendance... It is not the big incision across your stomach they use to have to do years ago. Hope I be helpful. Good luck. For other option, I would discuss the topic with a GYN! They will be capable of tell you adjectives the options available surrounded by your area. You never know, if you own a teaching hospital surrounded by your area they may enjoy a technique not widely used yet that may differ from my experience...

Good luck.


i have to do a huge report on thsi and you have to return with them surgically done by a doctor it costs a little much and its influential i would not suggest to do it right after birth!

SEX Question!?

It can be done vaginally, but good luck finding a do who will do it, in attendance is a higher risk of infection. I've have mine done (and undone) laproscopically the scar is immensely tiny and nobody has ever notice it.

Pls guide me to go for a long time intercourse beside active,fresh,joyous and relaxation mood.I am 51 years old.?

Tubal ligation surgery is fundamentally cheap in India. The cost is intensely low and the medical services are very fitting in India.

My cousin and her husband get their IVF treatment in India through the Forerunners Healthcare within India and is all praise for this company. She is a specified case of PCOS.She is a hugely happy mother of a little one boy now. She basically paid 2500 pounds for the full IVF treatment contained by India for which she was quoted 8000 pounds within private setup in UK.

Forerunners Healthcare is enormously famous contained by India. I read a lot going on for them in the reporters. I have also read something like a Chinese couple who planned surrogacy through the Forerunners Healthcare. They arrange financing for USA, Canadian, UK and other international patients who plan to have surgery and infertility treatment resembling IVF, IUI, and ICSI abroad for low price. They also enjoy photos pasted of their International patients. You can checkout their website. There are huge cost reserves. As a doctor I personally believe that surgery and treatment can be glibly handled surrounded by India, as the quality of healthcare available In India is simply best contained by the world. The surgeons are USA/UK trained and facilities are 5 star.

Hope this help.

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