If a girl bleeds weakly after sex sometimes does this mean she have an std or something wrong?

just very insubstantial pinkness sometimes.

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No, it doesnt be a sign of she has std. Perhaps she started getting her period? Sometimes when girls sick their period by human being on the pill or injection, spotbleeding may happen during sex or if they stress. Maybe she's highly dry and when u hv sex with her it hurts abit and bleeds? If its bleeding substantial and she doesnt hv her periods, going to a gynecologist would be best.

Hair?! I am 21 and enjoy had mannish pattern baldness for 7 years presently. Could I be having a hormone problem?

It's herpes for sure. And probably syphilis.

I own bumps!GIRLS ONLY!!?

could she possibly be a virgin?

Question for pregnant ladies only!?

im worried now am a moment or two girl

Answer this grr?

I don't think so. But it shouldn't be taking place all of the time...update her to go to the gynaecologist to return with it checked out, there could be something wrong?

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