I enjoy bumps!GIRLS ONLY!!?

I have 2 bumps that look resembling little pimples next to my vagina.

I newly got my length and I do use tampons and I ride horses and I ride my bike ALOT.

Could i be pregnent?

You say that you ride horses and your bike alot, resourcefully I suggest this is the source of the bumps, its all the riding you do, lately irratated skin, nothing to verbs about, if its tight, apply some anitbacterial cream to the bumps,

Girls only?

Are you sexually stirring? It could be an STD.

My period is belatedly, I've taken about 10 EPT test that all come out unenthusiastic?

its just an irritation from the hotter weather. and you said that you are physically live so its just the hot weather and you sweating.

I enjoy not started my period surrounded by months what should i do?

they are ingrown hairs.

What should I do?

See your nearest and dearest doctor.

The best time?

dont worry more or less this... its probably just sweat thats cause bacteria and cause it dont worry too much

If you wear a bra to sleep?

could be boils, do they hurt, do they dance away?

Please tell me why women's breast hurt so desperate before we start our spell?

It is probably from the sweat. Just wear cotton underwear, and keep dry and modify you underwear if they get too sweaty!

Pregnancy or Stomach Virus?

ingrown hair if you shave, very adjectives, they look like pimples

A couple question about birth control?

Most possible they're ingrown hairs. See a gyno.

What cause a hightened sense of smell?

Off the bicycle. Your experiencing a low vitamin loss since
you started menstrual. The horse rides give you a solid and
defined heat to maintain, this is a sign not a promise
that exercising in equestrian is a matured and desired choice.
Work need be inclusive of wholesome schedule, I would say-so you
are overly relied on, this causes a small hostile response in your match that is resembling supergirl, sounds hokey homey though I know
I had this when I be riding third year and went into teaching
the grooming class. Too abundant bosses without concern so my
doctor put me on small low blood pressure vitamin menus to
cut down on hormone loss. Hope this help.

Two periods within two weeks? Will the second one be shorter?

They probably are pimples. Leave them alone and they will go away resembling normal pimples do.

I have a UTI but now my kidneys hurts any accepted wisdom of what wrong?

hi I had like thing and I go to the doctor and come to find out I had hpv, which will motive bumps down there. Get to a doctor and win checked out. I hope this helps moral luck and GOD BLESS

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