After a c-section?

i had a c-section nearly 3 weeks ago.. my docter told me i own a infection due to little clots comin out and smelling bad.. he also said i should not be bleeding this far after a cubicle..

im still bleeding slightly and i now own what looks like brown foul smelly slime coming from my vagina...
anyone own any ideas if this is chunk of infection or something more serious? and would anyoen have any thought what may be wrogn if im still bleeding slightly?

Please help! Stress SpotWhat is it?

The smell without a doubt could be a result of the infection, and the brownish discharge would be in the normal course of things for post nativity bleeding. It's old blood, really prehistoric blood, and it is rather clotty and slimy looking. It should taper bad to a nasty white/beige within a few days, and from that to nothing. I can't read aloud for the time frame of post delivery bleeding, that fairly depends on how well the uterus be swabbed when they peeled out the placenta after assignment. I'd have to turn with what the doctor think on that. It could also be what you are seeing is retained placenta pieces being shed. If not adjectives the placenta is removed, it can prolong bleeding until it is shed, and it is sometimes nasty smelly stuff. If you are competent, try to save a piece contained by a plastic container, refrigerated or frozen, and give somebody a lift it in to see the doctor. He'll be capable of tell what it is for indisputable, and take things from within. Either way, it's fixable and not adjectives that unusual. If you aren't scheduled to revisit the doctor contained by the next year or so, you should probably call for an appointment.

Girlsand period?

I've had two c-sections and don't remember ever have anything like that. I'd be right contained by your Dr's face looking for solid answers. Don't tolerate him put you off. If you have a feeling something's wrong, don't let it rest until he convinces you otherwise. We know our own bodies and when something's not right, it have a way of letting us know. Trust yourself and push the issue. Infection's can annihilate and you have a babe that needs you to be within for the long haul. Good luck!

How do you business deal with interval moodiness?

if i was you i would dance back to my doctor and find out what is going on. i dont believe that is to say normal.

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