Ladies please help..serious answers just please!?

lets start off near i just finished past its sell-by date my antibiotic amoxicillin for my strept throat which in turn, gave me a yeast infection. this is close to my second or third one i have have my whole natural life and im going on 21. and another thing, im also on my monthly =/ ... anyone hold any home remedies that i can try or should i just walk to walgreens and get a apparatus thingy?

IUD Question?

Just head the the drug store. Next time, win the MD to write you an RX for the yeast infection pill (Diflucan) at the same time you achieve the Amoxicillin RX. If you have a history of this problem, they will do this for you. Save yourself lots of trouble ;)

Did Any One Got Big Breast Enhancement ?

go to the pharmacy

Is it ordinary 2 have your time of year for 3 weeks?

go to walgreens there is no home remedy i don't believe.

My vagina is itchy,?

how does amoxocillin afford you a yeast infection? If you get one within your mouth, Gargle with yogurt.

Girls please!hair near the men's penis have to be shaved or not?

Eat plain yogurt. Anytime you take antibiotics, get through plain yogurt.

Sharp pain contained by my vagina?

Take a probiotic or lots or yogurt, always help me

Puberty females only please?

Of course, the Monistat products work capably on yeast infection. If you need to retrieve $$$, try plain yogurt with live cultures. It works.

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The same thing purely happened to me...try taking acidophilis pills...they should aid fight the yeast infection. Then if that doesn't work your doctor can prescribe a pill to help yourself to that clears it up with one pill . ((If you don't approaching the creams that you can buy from the drug stores))

Question for girls only please, or doctors?

My mother skilled me the old home remedy of soaking a tampon in white vinegar and inserting and going away it for 6-8 hours, and you may have to repeat it once.
I did this and it be the most HORRIBLE BURNING PAIN I have ever have. I have no opinion how she does it, but she swears by it. (Her vagina must be made of steel)
It did cure my yeast infection, but I will never never never never do it again. Now I just buy the utensils at the store. The pain be not worth it for me.
Best of luck to you.

Serious Answers OnlyWhats going on with my body?

Check beside your dr to see if it's ok to use an OTC yeast cream during your period.

Is near a way (other than surgery) to generate myself shorter ?

Lay off the sugar and starch because they nurture the yeast.

Is this weird?

go gain a kit from the store, but dont use tampons near the medicine and if you can stand it it would be best to lurk to treat yourself till after your period is over and bring some vagisal super strength for the outside burnng and itching, it helps loads

Help! Birth control?! Going from depo issues to pills?

go to your doctor. dont use tampons for your time either. they will manufacture the yeast infection worse. you cant treat the yeast infection til your period is done. see your doctor

Is getting your breast smaller nontoxic?

you should get the tools

Lower side hurts. Any idea what it could possibly be?

It's other a good model to eat yogurt while taking antibiotics.. but that's a lesson for subsequent time.

The kits at the drug store can be pretty tough to use if you're on your time of year. Call your doctor. If you describe your symptoms, they may call surrounded by a prescription for you for Diflucan. It's just a pill you can steal that should help within a day or so.

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