Could this be implantation Bleeding?

Afew weeks ago i thought i was getting my period, afirst it was brown and next really light and this last almost 10 to 12 days on and off, have this happened to anyone else?

Answers:    I hold 4 children and never experienced any implantation bleeding.Ask a Dr. to be sure,ok?
Best wishes:-)
If you have merely had Implanon inserted this can begin although it is quite exceptional. It can take up to 3 months for period to settle down after the rod has be inserted. So don't worry if things don't jump back to run of the mill straight away. If you mean Implanon, this is comparatively a common side effect (and lamentably one I experienced on and off for nearly 18 months!). However, don't worry, it's an inconvenience but not the sign of anything serious, and if you've single recently have the implant consequently it will probably settle down. If it doesn't, you should see your doctor - I wish I hadn't put up beside it for as long as I did.

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