Yo plz give a hand me here?

i had but on a wad when i took it out it was wispy brown .that happened 30 days ago be i suppose to get my first interval the other say .i am 11

Do you resembling NuvaRing and is there mass gain with it?

It sounds close to you may have started, or your body is describing you that you'll start soon. Keep a note on a calendar or within a notebook of the date when it started, then if it happen again around a month later it is probable to be your period. When you first start it can be irregular though and pinch a while to come every month, but sometimes it is regular straight away, was for me. About 6 weeks back I started my first period I get a bit of brown discharge and I thought it was my time of year, I freaked out and got upset and everything! I cried in conservatory because I was anxious about asking to miss swimming. When I did start though, I know for definate I had, I be in conservatory and I just feel a bit wet 'down near' and I just know. I was a bit upset, but you soon receive used to it and in a unexpected sort of way it make you feel good-makes you discern like a tangible woman. I think you should ask your mum or sister or another fully developed you can talk to in the order of this, don't be embarrassed because they've adjectives been through it and they will remember what a big concord it can feel resembling when you're just starting out. Don't verbs, just be prepared near some pads and in recent times ask questions if you necessitate to.

How deep is your vagina ?

did your mom collaborate to you about this however? she is the best one to answer your question. obedient luck

Does physical stress effect your period?

Sometimes that happen - nothing to verbs about (especially if you're lone 11). Usually that happens toward the expire (last day or so), but at your age the undamaged thing might merely last a time or so anyway.

Sometimes my farts smell, other times they don't, why is that?

You are getting ready to gain started. Be patient it will come I did not start till I be 12.

Is this really bad?

Well I am guess yes, you hit women hood! So I would be hold track of when it was. Mark it on the calender. So when you consider it has be a month start making sure you have your personal desires on you,at all times.

Is it discouraging to masturbate everyday at the age of 13?

Welcome to womanhood! At first, periods are habitually irregular and take some time to regulate themselves. See the contact below for a site that will explain about period.

Yes or no (i need help)?

Ask a coach, if your mom won't give you a straight answer. There must be a feminine teacher within your school, track her down and put this ask to her in confidence logically. If you need to cart your best friend with you so that she can give support to you say what you call for to say and ask what you want to ask. Good luck and everything will be ok, you are only 11 and sometimes stuff a moment ago takes time to find going in a regular manner.

What is the point of douching?

Ask your friends or your mom, apt luck! ps I heard from this girls-only secure mail that bananas give support to when you get cramps ;-)

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