Hair?! I am 21 and have have male template baldness for 7 years now. Could I be have a hormone problem?

My periods are irregular but i am not anemic and hold good fitness customs. When I was 12 it started out after my mentration as a quater-sized shallow patch of fuzz at the top of my head and very soon is as large as my foot up-top my head. I can't wear wig and net weave for ever.

What is an orgasm?

Hi, this sounds like androgenetic alopecia, which results from have too much androgens (male hormones) or more likely, an increased sensitivity to typical amounts of androgens.

If you have two or more of these other symptoms:
1. moderate/severe acne
2. fatty skin
3. facial hair
4. hackle in "male" places e.g. chest, stomach, thighs, etc
5. irregular periods
6. irritability/aggressiveness

It would be really suitable to go see a gynaecologist or an endocrinologist, especially because you hold irregular periods and if you've have your periods since you be 12 they should have settled into a middle-of-the-road cycle by now. The gynaecologist will probably want to grasp some blood tests done (make sure you do these 2 weeks after your time or in the middle of your cycle for accurate results) and I don`t know also a scan of your ovaries to look for any cysts (to make sure you don't own polycystic ovaries PCOS).

Don't worry, if this is a hormonal problem, the gyn will be capable of prescribe you some anti-androgens to stop the hair loss, and you might gain some of your spike back too.

I own two questions, Females individual 18+?

Have you talked near anyone at a professional hair salon? Honestly, I estimate they could advise on what products to try better than anyone.
There are things out on the bazaar for you & may help. Never know unless you try.

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