Can cold weather lessen the effect of the birth control pill?

I left my pills contained by my car the other dark for 3 hours, 4 at the most. I was only just wondering if the cold temperature could lessen the worth of my pills since they're supposed to be kept at room temperature. Anyone know?

Answers:    no, they are fine.
They are probably fine. To be sure you can ring up a local pharmacist, he or she should be able to afford you a reliable answer or direct you to a reliable source of information. Did you leave the engine running or not?
I wouldn't regard as so but you could call your pharmacist and ask No, but extreme warmth can. Don't let them sit contained by a hot car.
oh thats, silly. you're really fine! they say that because they probably defrost in extreme warmth. i would call my obgyn and ask the nurse, it couldn't hurt to obtain perfectional advice

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