Wat are the plain things female want during sex next to guys?


If you masterbate and accidentally break your hymen does that mean you're sexually influential?

Sex in a really nice bedroom within a really nice house that he bought for her.

To get pregnant?

orgasm and cuddling afterwards

I am so freaked out around my period. I consider I have OCD I don't know. Please back me! :( :(?

my big penis

Took a shower today and got freaked out..?

intimacy, foreplay, clemency, care

Is sex for the first time is terrifically painful?

A little tongue accomplishment down south... the question be DURING SEX!! Love and respect me before and after...during sex GIVE ME WHIPLASH!

For women who hold had breast implant, Do you have a blemish? Where did they go contained by at? too big? to small? how $$

Attention,love and respecting.

I have restless leg syndrome. i'm on a muscle relaxer for it, but i've notice something weird.?

makin sex is resembling Chinese dinner. It ain't over til you both get your cookies.

Opinion on Penis Size?

Kisses on the support of the neck!

GIRLS NEED SOME SUGGESTIONS!! how can i produce my cramps stop or so i wont get em as bleak THANKS?

ORAL! with orgasm..!!

Sex hurts?

Galaxy chocolate

and fulfilment, passion, suck-tion

appreciation for listening.

What is occurring in gyno exams(procedures)?

Genitals, I suppose.

Is nearby any possible way to know if a female got pregnant or have a miscarriage in times past?

bottom line is an orgasm.

How can I find rid of menstral cramps without affliction relievers?

To be treated as more then boobs and butt.
I want my entire body busy in the deed.

Lose 21 pounds in 21 days vasting? i saw something in the region of it on cnn.. anyone know what it is? is it safe?

Three major things..

1. Enduarance
2. Orgasm
3. Round 2

How much does it cost 2 get laser spike removal?

For it to be consentual is the most important entity first of all. For it not to be over contained by a short time. No unusual faces. Variety and devotion.

What are other possible reasons for a missed interval besides pregnancy?

All I care for is an orgasm & for a guy to HOLD me & KISS me approaching he REALLY loves me.

Is it ok to take Plan B beside the NuvaRing in?

To not get pregnant and for u not to treat her approaching a freakin' horse!

Hi I'm 21 an i ever had a term but 3 months go i started have vaginal an anal discharge what could this be

foreplay first then sex afterwards just cuddling up beside him after...

In modern times girls are not wearing underwears?

Foreplay. Figure it out.
Wear a condom.
Speed is not a virtue. You necessitate to last long ample for us to enjoy it. Or at least possible long enough for us to know that you're in reality there.
Don't yak too much. Or at all.
Yelling out some other girl's given name is a killing offense surrounded by some states.
Cuddling isn't really necessary. Just shut up and be in motion to sleep.

Have you ever heard of such a thingthree breast lumps developing in two weeks?

they want you to progress down on them!
they want you to hold them before and AFTER
they want to be kissed past, during, and after
They don't want to be treated like only another lay
they want foreplay
most importantly they want to feel loved and they want to quality important!

Why does my vagina stink after sex?

a impression of complete ecstasy, find out what your feminine likes to present her an orgasm, females are different, I dont like "primary things" so I can't really answer your question

My friend have period problems?

I enjoy not had sex but but if a penis is all the woman desires I am never going to give it to her.

Pure intimacy is what I regard as women want.
Sex should be fun not work. It is something both sides should enjoy doing beside each other.

Is 25 too childish for a partial hysterectomy? If not, does this mean HRT for me?

To surface wanted,sexy and magnificent. They also want old trend love and not just sex. You can draw from sex any-wear but to feel loved you entail caressing,holding and told you are loved by someone who system it. That's not to say occasional plain in their natural habitat sex isn't all suitable but it will not keep a long durable relationship if that is adjectives your concerned about. Also women echo back on everything else while your making love approaching did the man help next to chores,the kids or treat her respectfully before this and men seem to be focused more on just achieve pleasure at the minute. So,good luck!

Anyone get any info on this (UK ladies only, please)?

An orgasm would be appropriate.
A feeling of closeness.
An impression that this could lead to a relationship.
An concept that this guy won't walk away after scoring, that he really care.
If all men know that and cared, you would not own to ask.
But I'm only a guy, what do I know.

Will a man grain the diaphragm during intercourse?

As many orgasms as possible. later leave so I can enjoy the bed to myself *giggle*

Can i still have my menstrual spell and be pregnant for 4 months?

A good and poerful Orgasm
Cuddling after words
Kissing and Talking
Round 3

Womens give somebody the third degree about nipples?

to cause it a perfect porn movie scene near perfect orgasm, oral, and foreplay..

Tampon Issues?

Mostly, some deep communication so you know the boundaries and all that beforehand. Don't yak during the sex besides muttering a little if that's the passageway you roll. Everyone gets turned on by different things, but near are a few that are universal.

1) Foreplay. Don't underestimate it. I've found slow, lenient and deliberate works wonders on me.
2) Don't merely jump on and start pounding- unless obviously she's saying she wishes you to. Start slower and gentler and then bit by bit speed up. Listen to her, and don't be afraid of communicating what you want either.
3) This could be exclusive to me, but my nipples win overstimulated and sore if they get too much attention, and guys come across to have a drift to try and rip 'em off. Go a moment or two easy.
4) Afterwards, cuddle. Tell her you love her, and after if you're unsure about your technique, even though it will be awkward, a moment ago out and ask if you did okay when you did one specific thing. Odds are she'll utter yes, and then you can contribute her a little squeeze and run to sleep. Or she'll tell you to be a touch gentler and then you can bequeath her a little squeeze and run to sleep.

She should also be communicative with you. Sex is a two-person project and both of you should be trying to please each other, not simply the guy working like a dog to breed his lady lively. Ask her to try different things, and don't be afraid to correct her when she's doing something to you. I'm not saying you should break bad and give her a powerpoint advocate, but saying, "Faster," can craft a world of difference.

Mostly, have fun. And receive sure she gets rotten too; imagine how frustrating sex would be if you couldn't climax.

Birth Control Pills?

oral sex

oral sex & oral sex...

Did I mention oral sex?

Haven't started time of year?

Well I can only speak for myself, And the major thing that I want from sex is for it to be slow and not rushed, one of the biggest turn stale's for me if for my husband to just come to bed and of late straight out ask for it. I want to be cuddled and talk to and treated close to he cares nearly my feelings and not in recent times getting his rocks off. excuse me for person so blunt. But Orgasm is not all that I want from my husband ( explicitly a bonus). I need to touch loved and respected. So to make a long story short... Just help yourself to your time with her and treat her near respect and you can never go wrong. Everything else will stumble into place... Or atleast that is how I have visions. Hope this helps you

Toatle Hysterectomy and Life After?

I believe it's love. Well, I'm not sure about thise cheap girls looking for fun but when a girl give herself to you, it;s beacuse love. And the best thing she requirements together with sex is the emotion of mutual intimacy and love. Sex's like coffee, you stipulation some sugar to sweeten it. Love is the sugar. You can simply gulp down the coffee but it will be meaningless and untasty. Add some sugar you can feel the difference.

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