Anyone got any info on this (UK ladies lone, please)?

Lately I've been audible range about a investigational vaccine against cervical cancer (or its cause) and I wondered if anyone on here knew anything around it (e.g. how effective it is, how much it costs, which countries surrounded by the UK it's available in, etc.). I've hear that it's being offered to children but would clinics distribute it to adult virgins as all right? Any info would be appreciated. Thanks in advance!

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The vaccine is call Gardisil. It is a 3-injection series, given over 6 months. Costs will probably vary from location to location.

It is intended to be given to ANYONE who have never had sexual intercourse (but targeted at girls aged 9-15), because this is how the most virulent types of HPV (the virus that cause cervical cancer and genital warts) is spread.

You should contact your local clinic or your regular doctor and inquire about costs.

Vaginal tear.?

I haven't heard of it, but have had it twice (ended up beside a hysterectomy last year) & enjoy a friend going through chemo for it at the mo
if it is true, it's a great idea

Any one hold more than 4 C sections?

from what ive hear there is no vaccine against cervical cancer. in attendance is however an injection that is pioneered surrounded by australia to help prevent skin cancer. dont pin your hopes on a vaccine for cancer coz the medical world is not at that stage however the point is everyone has cell that are potentially cancerous and its a matter of living right intake right and knowing your body and its changes.

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Do you mean Gardasil? What you must read about this vaccine is that it does not protect you from getting cervical cancer itself, but HPV, a sexually transmitted disease that cause cervical cancer. So unless you are at risk of getting a STD, this shot has no use for you. I thought this shot be a great idea, until I found out what it be REALLY for. Well, I think it costs roughly speaking 100 dollars, and you get three shots over a sixth month interval. From what I've heard it is drastically painful. I'm pretty sure that it is with the sole purpose for girls ages 9-26.

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These are strange HPV vaccines whose use produces the realistic and exciting prospect of reducing cervical cancer by 75% in a social group or so.

Both here and in the States oodles debates are currently going on next to regard to their cost and cost value, which is slowing things down.

The vaccine is best administered to women who have not be exposed to HPV. In other words, women who are virgins will benefit the most. Early studies suggest that the vaccine may be almost 100% effective for the prevention of type 16 and 18 CIN within virgins. In other women whose HPV status is not known, near is an overall 39% protection against type 16 and 18 CIN.

It should be noted that only 75% of adjectives cervix cancers are cause by the HPV viruses 16 an 18 and it is that`s why still possible for a woman to develop cervix cancer even though they are immunised.

The current cost of having these vaccines given as a course of the injections is going on for lb450. The ideal adults to be immunised should, as you suggest be virgins until the course is completed.

(Hope you don't mind a masculine doctor attepting to answer your question?)

What's wrong next to my body?

Yes, Vaccine is available and women can get it privately as it have not been incorporated in national immunisation program, but you can go and get it on private prescription form your GP, it is called GARDASIL, it is recommended from age 9 onwards, those over 25 yrs age, it does not show any chief benefit, for it to work, it needs to be administered long beforehand women engage surrounded by sexual intercourse, Soon it will be rolled out in UK through national immunisation program probably through school nurses and GP given the starting ages (9 years)

Faking it?

this be on this morning today 20/4/07 and i remember them saying it is available for females aged 9-26 dont know what it is call or anything though if you get haphazard look on the this morning site im sure they will have put some info on here about it

Saggy boobs - excercise to assist?

It's not a vaccination to prevent cancer, but the HPV virus that can incentive cervical cancer.
You can get it privately at clinics in the UK (I don't guess it's licenced for the NHS yet). The main target group will be teen girls (prevention is better than cure) but any age can have it. Many gay men are going for it as genital wart affect everyone.

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