Breast ultrasound... own to go and get a biopsy?!?!?

So I had a breast ultrasound done yesterday because I have this huge bleeding lump in my left breast... the ultrasound tech and doctor both ummed and ahhhed and finally said, "You'd better enjoy a biopsy". The ultrasound tech said that cancers usually jump out at you on an ultrasoiund and are really unambiguous, whereas this 4cm spot on me might be, but it also might not be.

I am absolutely terrified and sick beside worry - what are the chances that this point is a cancer?!? What else could it be??

Anyone who has been through alike thing, I would be so grateful of any feedack.

Thank you... :)

Healthy or Unhealthy? [Ladies, please]?

Hi Kathie - you poor lady - its be a worrying time for you hasnt it!

Having a ultrasound is good. Its also good that they hold noticed a lump and even if they are unsure about it, they enjoy recommended a biopsy. The fluid taken from your breast will help them decided what your breast lump is and what treatment is needed. You lump could be copious things eg a cyst, calcification, fibroid, scar tissue or fatty tissue. A breast lump does not automatically mean cancer.

Cancers regularly jump out and are seen on test because they are found at a larger size. Smaller lumps are harder to see, but the good thing is that the before lumps are found, the smaller they are, the sooner you can get the help you have need of.

I cant say what your lump is and I cant say what the probability are. All I can say is that at least you are surrounded by the system to get tests. I am sorry I am powerless to say anything that is going to fix this. You did the right piece by going to the dr about this.

May I suggest when you talk to your dr that you run some paper and to write down any questions and thoughts - commonly its easy to forget once we get home. Perhaps you could procure a friend to go with you for support. And if you are not content with your doctor, please feel ok more or less going to a different one. It is your body and you are in charge.

I wish you the best of luck and hope it adjectives goes well. Suzie


Embarrassing at university time of year backing!?

I've have breast problems before. I had nipple discharge and misery in my armpit. I checked out the book by Dr.Susan Love (real name) called Dr.Susan Love's Breast Book. It be full of AMAZING information I never knew before. Very kind and calmed me down because frankly, I was very freaked out. Good luck! I hope that it is not cancer!


I have a lump in mine and they did the ultrasound thing and they said it be "probably" just calcium deposits or something and not to worry give or take a few it. I had to go subsidise to my doctor's for a "follow-up" appointment (which consisted of him feeling the lump for two seconds and truism, "It's still there" - no crap buddy! - and my paying lots of money and him wanting me to schedule with surgery for a biopsy or something.) I didn't do it because I didn't want anyone adjectives into me and the people I had the ultrasound beside said it most likely wasn't anything big at my age (I was 23 or 24 I think) and from the route it looked it would probably disappear within several months. ...It did disappear and several years later I'm still alive, so I'm assuming it's zilch and don't bother worrying about it.

Other than calcium deposits or cancer, it could also be a cyst, which isn't anything too big.

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