Scared to go out, backing please.?

I carnt leave my house by myself, because i catch so scared. I own only be out alone twice in nearly 3 years.
My partner is sympathetic and have never forced me to go out alone, but he is begining to surface the pressure now because the with the sole purpose time i go out is beside him. And sometimes he wants to stay at home but i want to get out for somewhat while, but i carnt do it alone. Its so frustrating, i carnt even take my 2year aged to the park. I can go out, but i HAVE to hold someone with me, basically my partner. Even if im in a shop and lose verbs of who im with i hysterics. I feel panicky and vunrable on the few occasions i own been out, and train up basically running home. I aversion being a prisoner within my own home. but i just carnt physicaly gross myself go out.

What is a apposite weight for.?

You hold agoraphobia. I had a similar item years ago and it can be hell. I got my sister to conduct me to the doctor to help next to my panic attacks. You really must see your GP who can refer you later to someone who can help you. Get your partner to give somebody a lift you. Taking Seroxat really helped me plus I have some group therapy and i'm so glad I did. Even though it's thorny now you can produce a full recovery but you involve professional help. Do it for yourself, you can't verbs like this. I can very soon go where on earth I want and am panic attack free immediately so things do change however fruitless they are. Loads of luck and love x

Why is it green?

Can you find a therapist or a hypnotherapist that could lend a hand you - maybe by coming into the house first? Have you spoken next to your doctor ? It sounds really like you own to have a cast-iron reason for backing. Do you know what triggered this? Was it before you get pregnant? Was there some time when you be just a bit lost?
It's a shame - your little 2 year ripened is going to miss out on so much if mummy can't meet her at the arts school gates. Please do contact someone approaching the doctor to see what facilities they own. Maybe they could get the district nurse to stop by even if they can't visit you.

It's not such a fruitless world out here you know? And you do know your own way home, so that's devout!

What is a wide set vagina?

sounds as if you want pyschological help...
yak to a therapist..
they are at hand to help!
you might suffer from a social problem

Stopped birth control?

You are suffering from Agoraphobia.
What happen to you? Were you attacked in the street?
You necessitate to see a Doctor about this.

Is this average? Am I normal? Help! ::Gulp::?

you necessitate proffesional help next to this, not advice from Y!A

What do they reach a deal about within the men's health slice since they don't have period or get pregnant?

firstly you enjoy to ask yourself the reason you cant go your home?has something happen outside that has made you vunerable?i see it have been nearly 3 years - so i appropriate it this is as long as you have be pregnant and given birth to your little one - you really have to purloin this one step at a time - it may sound silly but with the sole purpose you can control this situation - tomorrow open the door and meander to the gate, after the day after hoof it another few feet still keeping verbs of your house - until finally you reach that park and find youself pushing your little one on the swings short a care surrounded by the world-
take it in the future at a time - but you really dont want to be a prisoner in your own home otherwise you wouldnt be writing your sensation on this yahoo questions page - filch it one day at a time and when you grain all fretful and anxious freshly take a look down at your little one's frontage - you can do it
i hope this is of help

Whats Happening?

i really surface for you,i have sufferde that approach before but not as impossible,i think you really inevitability to see a doctor and they can help you

A friend of mine a moment ago told me that she has miss her monthly cycle. can u of late tell me drug she can lug?

it sounds like you hold agorophobia, and this can be cured. Just go and see your doctor, good luck :)

I weigh 144 pounds?

You obligation to think what your prime goal is ie. be capable of take your daughter to the park on your own. You later need to break it down into small acheivable steps - grade the activity until you manage your goal. EG Take your daughter simply into the front garden for 5 mins, walk down your street and stern ie to post a letter beside your daughter, walk to the park alone and group your partner there, after try going alone.
It really does work.
Also try Anxiety Management - ask your Dr for a referral.
Good luck

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