My friend has interval problems?

my friend, has grotesque periods! she get it like every week or every 2 weeks. she is skinny, is her period weird because she is VERY skinny? she's similar to 93 pounds! help me!

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She should really see a doctor. That doesn't sound average at all unless she purely recently get her period. Extremely skinny citizens don't get a term at all since their body tries to retain what little nearby is to keep their body functioning. So the certainty that she has her time of year so often would not be due to her immensity in this travel case.

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How long have she been getting her length for. Sometimes it can take awhile for your body to adjust.

Some people are newly like this. Everybodies different. If she is concerned I would suggest that she dance to the doctors. They maybe competent to put her on the pill to regulate her periods.

Also lots of things can raison d`??tre this. i.e, stress, unhealthy etc.

Worried almost periods?

I have very irregular period and it had zilch to do w/ being skinny. I'm average shipment for my size. I didn't want to be on birth control, so I found a good homeopath and she fixed me contained by two cycles. I went from have my periods every 10-12 days to have them every 28 days.

There are different causes for mishappening period, as I've learned. So enlighten your friend to find a good alternative medication doctor b/c a western doc will put her straight on the hormones and not figure out what is certainly causing the problem. It's prominent to get to the root source of any medical condition.

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she might have an iron difficiency. or like a problem near her blood. she needs to travel to the doctor and get a blood theory test. maybe they can put her on an herbal supplement. if she is freshly starting her period for the first time after it might just pilfer a while for her body to adjust to the change within hormone levels.but if the problem pursists (for i'd enunciate 2 years) she may even have to start birth control, which will back regulate her periods. i have a friend with indistinguishable problem.

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thats why she is very skinny, she wants to be seen by doctor,

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You say your friend is 93 pounds. Does she hold an eating disorder? Maybe she does and is hiding it. My two best friends enjoy eating disorders and they both enjoy really irregular periods cause by their ED and have to be on birth control to regulate it.

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the deed that she is highly beneath weight most predictable has to do beside why she is getting her periods so normally. she really needs to see a doctor for this issue. it can become serious if it have to do with her iron stratum in her blood, or the proper nutrients she should be getting. this is a fundamentally nice thing that your looking out for you friend, it shows that you effort. now adjectives you have to do is brand sure she gets to the doctors. does her parents know?

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