I dumped my girlfriend for getting too podgy?

When we first started dating a year ago, she was sexy and curvy and lot's of fun. Then after a few months, she putting on counterbalance and went from 125 to a monstrous 197. I reach the breaking point when she hit that weight and I couldn't enjoy sex with it anymore. I tried to help out her but she really wasn't doing much. I would see other girls and how attractive they were and expect: Wow, you're a f*cking whale, lose some weight'. I get tired of her stuffing her face and getting so big, but I'm compassionate, so I also assistance about some of her morale. Should I help her bring back a diet plan so that hopefully she can get fund to normal so I can love her again?

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What these other people hold said about you self mean and an a-hole are what I be aware of are knee-jerk reactions. They haven't contemplated the situation for more than a few second. Although I will say it wasn't terrifically nice to call her name. I think you also own to consider that she wasn't very nice to you any, and if she really loved you, she wouldn't have permit herself go that far unless she have some genuine medical condition. There is other a physical component to love, and like it or not, it's here in adjectives relationships. If there's no sex, consequently sooner or later the relationship will rot. And if you can't draw from aroused by her, obviously here will be no sex. The happiest relationships have adjectives the components to some relatively large point. I feel that it's dishonest, and disingenuous when a woman make herself look very appropriate so as to attract a man, and then let herself go when she have one she feels she will enjoy for a while. Imagine if my landlord made the apartment look material nice when I moved in, but never did upkeep on it afterward.I would probably leave after a year or so too, because the place would be falling apart! Bottom rank is this, you should be upfront and honest about adjectives aspects of yourself before you start a serious relationship. Don't pretend to be a intricate worker at first, only to show your true self a year latter as a lazy bum. Don't pretend to be substantial at the beginning of the relationship, simply to reveal a greedy nature then. Be HONEST. Clearly she wasn't honest with you something like how she really wanted her physical body to be (again, unless she have a medical condition), and if people can't be honest next to each other contained by a relationship, end it right away. Good call upon my friend, but try to be a little nicer subsequent time.

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Dang dude. My girlfriend went from 115 to 175 but the difference between me and you is that I love her no business what she looks like and still guess she's beautiful. My girlfriend be sexy hot when I met her she's been on some meds for stuff and its made her gain alot of weightiness. She's still sexy hot at 170. If you love the girl then you will never loose interest in her. I would break up next to her cuz you must not really love her for who she is and therefore wasting both of yalls time.

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That's tough my man. You should not own called her name but I feel you on that. If you get her at 125 and she ballooned to 197 (did she have little one?) then she is wrong. That is messed up to tolerate yourself go similar to that.

You should have took her to the gym near you or something or let her know straight out, or stop have sex with her.

I believe that you did what you had to do if you tried to give support to her first. Its better than you keeping her and cheating on her.

You made a tough call. But probably the right one

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You are mean. You are not compassionate. She can do better after you.

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ur sick

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ok so i'm currently in this situation. when i met my hubby i be thinner and now i'm at 195. i wasn't as light as 125 though. anyway...my hubby has put me down, call me names, cheated on me, and stopped have sex with me. YET other men find me attractive still. however, by putting me down, it made me get the impression worse about myself which surrounded by turn made me start eating MORE. i've other told him to just be supportive of me. when he go for a run, let me move about and walk around the track...at lowest possible we are doing something together. he never got that and probably never will...i conjecture that if you just convey her lets move about for a walk or some generous of activity together she will get interested in that and start losing cargo. also start helping her make fine diet choices, eating fresh fruits and veggies and not snacking or going to swiftly food chains too much together. if you love her you will help her. i take you have to be attracted to her but in that was more to her that you have a feeling in love near other than her looks.

pious luck

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now I may be a ladies man, but i'm not heartless. No i'm not hard! That is why i'm going to go out of my passageway to give girls or guys smaller amount fortunate than myself a full expense paid trip to round camp.

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wow thats really mean.she can do better than you. If it have to take her losing counterbalance for you to love her again...thats just discouraging. And lets only just be honest here...you obviously didnt and still dont love her at adjectives. So what you did is best for both of you.

Please help, am i still a virgin?

omg...umm you should speak to her about it and the danger of it cuz it aint only in the region of sex it is also about her form.
i weigh 99 pounds and im 19 i diet and work out. so tell her in the region of working out and you can do it with her. (just dont permit her get anorexic its insecure...im still recovering from when i was 14)

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I don't meditate this is mean at adjectives. She should be more understanding and deem of you instead of gaining so much cargo and making you question even wanting to be beside her. Calling her names is not the agency to help this situation, though. You should parley to her in a nice method and just ask her if nearby is something bothering her emotionally that is making her gain so much counterbalance, because gaining that much counterbalance in one year CAN NOT be sound.

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If you only similar to her for her looks, how horrible is that on your part?

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If you don't love her because she have gained some freight then you never truly loved her.
If you really want to be compassionate later break up with her so she can find someone who loves her for who she is and not what she looks approaching.

Loosing weight! why?

You own issues you don't dump someone because they put on some pounds you obviously don't love her if you broke up next to her because of that and you shouldn't be calling her names. She shouldn't enjoy to be skinny to be loved by you love is about whats on the inside not the outside. You have need of to get a duration.

Please helllpppp..?!?

Damn your a * whole that christen calling stuff doesn't work that just make her feel desperate. If you don't like the road she looks anymore just dump her.

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