Burning sensation, what is it? please back!?

sometimes, when i am urinating, i will get a burning sensation. but it doesnt come up all the time. i've never have sex, and im on birth control pill for my face.
today i go to the bathroom two times or so, and then i go swimming in a pool. when i got out, i go to pee and take a shower. i started to pee and it started burning so doomed to failure i stopped. it happened once a few days ago, but not this fruitless and in between, no burning. please comfort! whats going on?

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Urinary tract infection (UTI) also known as a bladder infection. It can transpire from all sort of things. Tell your mom. She can procure you cranberry juice (low sugar or you will create it worse) or some cranberry pills. The doctor will tell you to do the exact same entity. It's nothing to be confused about, so you don't own to worry around telling your mom. You didn't gain it from doing anything dirty or bad. You'll be okay. If it last another three days after you start the cranberries, go to the doctor.

Girls merely!! WHO are experienced in other words around 20+?

go to the doctor you could have a BLADDER INFECTION

I am 22 yrs frail Girl i am not married i sufferd from Files problem In Future I have Any problem After Marriage

try drinking a few bottles of wet may be a bladder infection.

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gonna have to agree next to sara on this one. INFECTIOON! go to the doctor so he can notify you what kind of drug to take. dont refuse time either, cuz infections spread, and you dont want that goin to your kidneys.

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bladder infection, START DRINKING MORE WATER


Well, it could have to do beside the chlorine from the pool. When I was 8 or 9, it used to hurt when I peed after swimming too. Maybe you should stop swimming for in the order of a week and see if it still happens. If it does, you may hold a bladder infection and should get it checked out by your doctor.

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Could be a UTI or vaginitis. Yeast can overgrow and irritate the vagina and the urethra. germs can get up into the urethra to the bladder. Women are at greater risk because they own a shorter urinary tract then men. Remember intercourse is not the singular way you can attain an STD. People can get herpes from recieving oral sex for example. Just remember that when you are asked in the order of your sexual history.

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i am reading this off of my seventeen magazine..its adjectives about these things.okay it burns when you pee:
"its probably a urinary tract infection. Wiping or sex can grounds normal vaginal or anal germs to enter the urethra (where you pee) and cause infection except flushed out by urine."
how to fix it:
"See your doctor for the meds. for the burning take OTC pills approaching Uristat. to prevent UTIs drink lods of fluids, don't "hold it," and pee after sex."
but u said uve never had sex so...i dunno..but it IS some big-hearted of infection so go to see your doctor.

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