Please helllpppp..?!?

When i go pee, i obtain a burning sensation, and it itches. I feel resembling i have to pee adjectives the time, but when i go... just a few drops come out... what do i have?! how can i fix it?

At what age can we hold breast cancer and yeast infection?

a bladder infection, or a urinary tract infection. drink soem cranberry juice and run see your dr. for antibiotics

Orgasm and cramps?

You have a bladder infection. Go to your doctor.

Hard and sore nipples?

sounds a bit like cystitis you can buy over the counter remedies or try drinking cranberry liquid, you really should go to the doctors though

I enjoy scoliosis?

Sounds like you enjoy a urinary tract infection.

Drink plenty of fluids, and visit your doctor as soon as possible, he/she will be capable of give you antibiotics which will sort it within no time.

Females only! Does any one else achieve sexually aroused a couple week's before time starts?

you could have several problems yeast infection, urinary tract infection, pelvic inflammatory disease, or a STD see your doc to rule out poss. and procure treatment b/c all of the avove do have need of treatment

My mom needs hospitalization after unloading a high 198 liver rank scoring!?

Get to a doctor!! You more than likely hold a urinary tract infection, or a bladder infection!! Left untreated will not only result contained by excruciating pain, but could also organize to kidney stones or other serious problems.

I am looking for help for my vigour.?

not a dr but..get to the dr..if your a girl you could hold a yeast infection ...and it could be bladder infection..kidney infection etc. thats for men an women..and if your having sex it could be signs of a sexually transmitted disease...a short time ago get to the drs..they will do a urine assessment to determine what this is..and give ya meds..god blesss and a hugggg sweetie

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You sound close to you have a urinary tract infection. Seek professional medical back immediately because you entail antibiotics to clear your system out before it develops into something worse. Also, drink plenty of cranberry liquid.

Why cant guys have period?

A urinary tract infection. It is easily treated near antiobitics which your dr needs to prescibe. It is unlikely to resolve by itself and may return with worse. In the future you should drink more, jump to the toilet more, go to the toilet twice surrounded by a row, wipe front to back, travel to the toilet after sex.

Can hormones make your boobies grow?

You enjoy a UTI ( urinary tract infection). You need antibiotics.

Am i pregnant?

you any have thrush or a urine infection, you should return with along and see your doctor I know it may be embarrassing but you will be more comfortable contained by the long run. If you do not see a doctor you could try applying natural yogurt it does own a good affect and cools you down

Does anal sex hurt?

It's call CISTITIS. and is very painfull.
Consult next to your doctor. it's a infection caused for different bacteries.
The doctor will fashion analysis and give you the specific antibiotic.
Go to the doctor today in need lose the time.
Good luck

Tips for a lighter period?

It could be anything range from a urinary tract infection (burning when you pee, frequent need to pee but nil comes out) to an STD. Your best bet is to call your doctor ASAP. An untreated UTI can be impressively dangerous, as can untreated STDs.

Why do i catch diarea?

Is there any blood contained by your urine? If there is later I would get your prostate checked out. Also, I've have a couple of friends who had this develop to them and it turned out to be STD. Good luck!

Have i had my time or not?

oh god, this is so how iv felt and the doctors dont want to no or aid. they have given me so abundant different courses of anti-biotics over the past 2 years and it help, but only for the problem to return the week after. And nobody understand how bad it is notion like u inevitability to pee all the time and when u do progress hardly anything comes out! do u also hold real desperate tummy ache and loads of discharge? I hold also had blood surrounded by the urine. Now i have feel this way for end 2 years, its not cystitis apparently, they have done loads of checks. They hold checked my urine and it does show infection but they dont no what (possibly water infection). I be then told I hold chlamydia. turns out i was mis-diagnosed! i hold been and have my kidneys and bladder checked .. with nought found. I have very soon got to run to a gynaecologist and they are gunna check my ovaries. It has be a nightmare. I'd say turn and see your doctor and hopefully u have a more competant doctor than mine!! Wishing you luck and please tolerate me know how u get on! Wish I could facilitate more, alls i can say is i no how u get the impression and hopefully there is answer somewhere to abet take away that reaction.

Help Please!?

It sounds like you might hold a bladder infection. You should go to the doctor because they're the singular ones that can diagnos that.

Waxing Q anyone with experiance plz?

Don't drink cranberry liquid for a bladder infection, that is an frail wives tale. The sugar within it can actually label it worse. Drink plenty of water.

Every-morning this, happen why?

It sounds like a Urinary Tract Infection. You can Purchase pills by a company name AZO. Also drink lots of liquids plenty of cranberry liquid (the real humane not the sweetened kind) NO SODA!

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