Is it regular to gain substance while on your time?

I've recently lose 50 pounds. I went from 216 to 166 since December. This morning I weigh in at 169.6 and I'm considering not eating anything at adjectives until my period is over. I'm beyond depressed. Any advice?

Vagina go numb at jumbled times!?!?!?

It's completely and totally common. I think it happens to everyone. If there's anyone who doesn't experience this, I'd resembling to know why!

Lots of women retain water while they're menstruating. Others get constipated. And some women munch through a bit more than usual, but balance it out the following week.

Three and a half pounds is really little compared to what you've lost, so don't beat yourself up. You've done a really good brief of losing all that weight, and those three and a partially pounds will drop off again in no time.

If you're thought depressed, don't starve yourself; get some exercise. It'll make you surface better and it'll also bust some calories.

Good luck!

When do you have an idea that im going to achieve my extent??

It may not be weight from eating too much, but some population actually have river retention during this time. This is normal for that time of the month. Try taking something for the bloating like Pamprin.

Please please give support to me?

yes, you gain fluid when you are on your spell, we always called it bloated, but it is a short time ago fluid, it will normally go away after you bring back over it.

Vagina self-conscious after sex?

Yes its normal too gain a little mass while on your period becauseyou body holds extra water dont verbs about it, but dont stop eatting your body needsthe food for engrery and it will make you surface bad ,you take carefulness.

Please confused.i get not a soul to support me.please.Bullimia&Confused?

my bros g/f gains a little bulk because of taht and she gains because of birth control its just sea weight m ysister always warn me about this dont just not eat its unhealthy im sure you will loose it

I want to finger myself?

Yes it is normal because usually its associated beside water weight gain. I am going through matching thing. But please eat, your body might counter different and you may gain even more weight. Just hold on...

Is this average?

Has anyone taken Robinul and have a tardy time of year?
My friend hasn't have her period for roughly almost 6 months (Is their anything to verbs going on for?)?
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