Please oblige, am i still a virgin?

i never had sex , ever. but please,solely mature answers- i give attention to my cherry's popped already. i don't ever remember anyone touching me and i've never had sex beside myboyfriend. i never touched myself before within that area. i found out when i be 13 becuase i learned more or less it in academy. but i don't know if it's normal for it to be close to this. i;m scared becuase i dont know if someone touched me when i be little and i had no notion. what scares me is that i enjoy stretch marks on my skin on my inner thighs .i told my mom and she sed it's because i lost wight markedly quickly. i havent gone to a gynocologist because im afraid she'll read out im not a virgin anymore and mymother will think its because i have sex with my boyfriend but i didn't. or she might devise i touched myself but i didn't. there consequently leaves the question if someone touched me and i enjoy no idea. im worried. but i don;t know what to do. i toldmyboyfriend. we've been together for 2 1/2 yrs,he sed 4 me to travel to the doctor. im scared to. support?

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Firstly, this ask largely depends on what your definition of what a virgin is. Generally speaking, virgin refers to someone who has NOT have sexual intercourse. Not if your hymen is broken (which is a common misconception).

Stretch results have NOTHING to do near whether or not you have have sex. They are due to losing or gaining cargo very briskly and the majority of girls have stretch grades at least somewhere.

There is no use why - from what you have said - that you call for to see a gyno, although becuase you are 18 you should have a pap smear soon.

I am concerned though that you are asking whether or not you be sexually abused when you were younger - that within itself makes me wonder if perchance you were, because that should not cross your mind unless near is something in your conscience saying that you enjoy been.

Your hymen can be broken from merely playing sport - masturbating (but don't be ashamed... about masturbating - it's normal) or some unknown function.

Please stop stressing, you are still a virgin because you have never have sexual intercourse. So take a thoughtful breath and stop worrying!

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wait til your 18 afterwards your legal

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you can pop your cherry through sports, like gymnastics or horsebackriding, and also, tampons can pop cherries too.

dont verbs, they should believe you :]

Help! Curious sister asked!?

u don need 2 verbs abt it sweety
its very conventional.
u r not livin in old age where on earth dey used 2 think it can single happen during sex
lots gals dont hav tht frm the birth.
its perfectlly fine

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You don't go and get stretch marks as a result of your hymen human being broken, no worries.

The hymen is just a tapered membrane of skin that surrounds your vaginal opening. When a penis go in here the first time, it tears away. It doesn't actually ever completely block the passage or anything like that.

Virginity is not defined by have a hymen (or "cherry"), but by whether you've had sex. You haven't, so you are still a virgin.

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I'm not sure what you propose by stretch marks. As you attain older, your vagina will exchange with the rest of your body. If you hold no other reason to believe that you be raped, then I wouldn't verbs about it. You should noticeably see a gynecologist. The gynecologist can not tell whether you are a virgin unless you notify her or if she finds evidence of an STD, so don't worry. You are an full-size now anyway, so if she found anything, she couldn't inform your mom. Relax. And yes, as someone else stated, other things can tear your hymen besides sex. Mine be gone long before I have sex. It doesn't mean you're not a virgin.

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Ok calm down... its really easier said than done for you to tell if you've ruptured your hymen already. It can start to girls at many stages within life and really it is pretty adjectives for this to be gone before you own sex the first time. It can rupture when you ride a bike, horseback ride, play sports or any number of things. The doctor can tell if you've have sex because of different signs inside you vagina. It's ok if your hymen is already gone... it can make the first time you own sex feel better. You really won't know if it's near until you and your man have sex and even after it's hard to share. Your doctor can't tell your mom anything you don't want her too... here are laws against that... you're ok and middle-of-the-road... don't worry!

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i think i read somewhere that its natrual some girls own a broken hymen before intercourse

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Why do you guess your "Cherry" has popped? Having stretch results on your thighs or body has nought to do with mortal molested or having sex. Some culture just don't bleed the first time they enjoy sex. Cherry is your lining or hymen surrounded by your vagina that stretches which causes it to bleed (when you enjoy sexual intercourse) Don't worry give or take a few your gyno because she won't tell your mom that info it's strictly confidential (ask her question and she'll answer you, obviously your mom won't be surrounded by the same room when she's examining you) and if she does afterwards thats wierd and you need to make clear to her to go! If you haven't have sex there is nil to worry roughly speaking and there is really no method to determine that you've had sex or touched yourself or not. Don't verbs Hun! Your stressing out about something so small, it will be fine!

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Yikes, whose leg are you pulling? What is the problem and how did you revise that maybe your cherry popped... Jeeze, basically say it ain't so..

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Your worries are very much baseless. In school while playing or due to indulgence in sports actions, hymen can break. This does not mean that you are not a virgin. Stretch grades can be due to varied reason atleast not that you had sex on not. So do not be afraid and you can see the doctor going on for the stretch marks. Certainly, he will accord with the stretch results and has nil to do with your self virgin or not.

I have to own a papsmear next thursday and i am worried more or less is it gonna hurt?

i think you should listen to him.. you dont rele own to tell ur mom, they own numbers for that. im not sure wat they are but talk it over beside your boyfriend and he'll help you, except then verbalize to your mom sit down with her and give an account her wats bothering you... she's your mom, moms always deduce.

Urgant. help me.?

Well if you DID lose immensity suddenly and drastically that could cause you to lose your HYMEN (not cherry).

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Girl if u can stay a virgin and what makes u contemplate that ur cherry popped.

Waht that mean?

YIKES, can u utter "carrie"? who the hell is raising you?

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Unless a man has inserted his penis into your vagina consequently you are still a virgin. Having an intact hymen has nought to do with virginity. The hymen can be torn during sports, falling bad your bike, sliding down the bannister, using tampons, masturbation etc. I partially tore mine when I be six - fell off my bike - tore it the rest of the channel when I was 10 by masturbating. Didn't lose my virginity until I be almost 18.

Stretch marks are from growing or losing counterbalance faster than your skin can keep up.

The individual way a gynecologist know if you aren't a virgin is if you tell them.

And in that is nothing wrong beside touching yourself - you should get to know what you surface liek down there, except for pleasure then at lowest so you know what it is supposed to feel close to and then you can bring up to date if something changes - for your own strength.

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your strech grades can be from losing weight or basically growing from adolescence i wouldnt verbs too much if i was you. if you are over the age of 18 a gynocologist should hold on to your information confidential virgin or not. Your cherry can also pop from doing sports or just streching. if you really want to walk to a gynocologist try calling planned parethood they keep your information confidential and they will point in the right direction in covering there is something wrong. you dont own to be pregnant in establish to go see them. i recommend you shift with your boyfriend for support. correct luck!

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Stretch grades have zilch to do with your "cheery". All it is is a filmy membrane inside. Girls can rupture it without have sex. My sister fell VERY hard on a boys bike and hurt herself that bearing. That doesn't mean your not a virgin in the since if you own had an catastrophe of some sort. A doctor would be able to determine if it be by sex anyhow. Don't be afraid to go to the doctor. It is remarkably important to jump. I was 18 and a virgin and still go to a GYN. Good thing I did. I have cervical cancer and was competent to be treated. Hold your head up illustrious, God knows the truth so dont be afraid.

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It ok your still a virgin and I'm pretty sure nobody touch you when you be little if you don't remember it. That "cherry popped" thing or anything can be "popped" a number of different ways. And your mom is right in the order of the stretch marks they can come from losing or achievement weight really immediately not so much about one touched or whatever. Hope that help, try not to worry to so much in the region of things your fine. : )

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is physical virginity adjectives that important to you? if it is, consequently the process of "devirginization" is reversible. ask your doctor about it and he'll be delighted to stitch up your hymen intact for you. but if you're worried about the concept virginity and not the physical one, next by all mode you're still a virgin if you havent done it with any guy. stop worrying just about this thing and live a modest and jovial life.

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My wife be a virgin when we got together and she told me in the order of a time when she fell off her bike and that broke her cherry and I believe she be like 9 year prehistoric.

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dont worry! hushed down.. if you cherry pops you are still a virgin unless you had sex

peoples cheeried pop adjectives the time no matter how dated they are... it can happen when a young at heart girl is playing sports or falls... dont worry.. youre okay =]

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Only a penis being inserted into the vagina take away virginity.
If you're nearly 18, go surrounded by for your first yearly exam. You can ask adjectives questions afterwards.
As far as not knowing if you were molested or raped, it sounds approaching you've watched too much tv. You would know that something have happened that wasn't right. You might try to put it out of your come first but you would know.

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