Why are women colder than men and always appear to have cold hand?


I have strech results?

I am a woman and am very hot. That sounds funny! Not that kinda hot. LOL! I expect my body is hot. That sounds funny too! I mean... my husband can't snuggle me terrifically long, I make him too thaw out. Almost every time I shake someones hand they comment on how heat my hands are. My husband have me place my hand on his pay for where his injury is and merely hold it there. It's close to a little heat pad. In the summer time when it's really hot out, I can't rest my hand on my legs, it makes me too hot because my hand are so warm (even through jeans) I am other too warm surrounded by our house when the rest of my family is cold.

I hold always be told I must be very reheat blooded. I don't know if people can really be heat up blooded or cold blooded though. I'm something. Circulation, blood temperature, I don't know. I do know for sure give or take a few cold hands and especially foot is poor circulation, don't know about heat up ones though. I'm glad you asked this question so I can come rear and see if some smarty pants know the answer.

P.S. I'm back again (like my answer wasn't long enough)
I don't come up with anemia makes one cold, as I stated I am impressively hot and have be anemic most of my adult vivacity. My iron is so low, recently my doctor threatened to put me surrounded by the hospital for a transfusion.
Also I know it's not a low blood pressure. My whole go and still today my average blood pressure is 90 over 60 (very low) Still hot

Im 14 years old and im really high i HATE IT?

Because women typically have lower blood pressure than men do. And a lower pulse rate.

Help me!!implanon?

Its nil like that women is colder than men adjectives are same only.
for both men & women use for cold hands are smaller amount blood circulation & weakness.consuming iron tablets after consulting the doctor will solve this problem .
nerves low standard also lead to same problem for that bag care is to be taken & consulting a neurologist will solve the problem

Women/My length?

Well i know that women with larger breast sometimes enjoy poor circulation to their hands, cause them to be cold. It's from their breast cutting bad the circulation at the arm pit.

What are these? Please only Girls?

I don't know but it sure is true...adjectives us boys would be fine and my sister would always be trying to turn the bake up...same with my wife....what be comfortable for her was close to a sauna to me.

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i'm always hot when my husband is other cold. some people are not included in your put somebody through the mill.

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because women work harder than men so our bodys have learn to keep us cool.

I am 12-years-old. i know kinda youthful.. but there is something that looks close to a "lump" on my breast.

Not me!! My hubby is always colder than I am!



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The ratio of skin surface to body substance, the higher the number the more potential to be cold in the winter, but withstand hot and humid conditions better in the summer.

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With my husband it's because he's so fuzzy.

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Cold hands, Warm Hearts

I am 16 and i havent have a period since august 2006WHY?

lower blood iron level

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Women own less blood volume than men

Women tend to be anemia because of monthly blood loss

Women are other dieting. Less fuel in, less to stoke the fire

Women tend to hold more hypothyroidism, thanks to our hormones.

Can girls masturbate bfore virginity. because until that time virginity they have this entity that could blcok any thing

women tend to have greater skin nouns as a ratio to body weight -- they are thinner than men, on average. Women radiate more fry and that heat loss is sensed as human being cold. their hands are cold cuz of their tiny little capillary.

I need some counsel from MATURE women?

Women are more prone to anemia (a vitamin b12 deficiency) than men, especially during their menstrual cycle.

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What makes sense to me is the motivation women always hold cold hands and foot is: Women are designed to bear children-the fetus must be kept reheat so blood flow is more concentrated around the torso and its vital organs and foot and hands lose warmness because of this.

Why do girls have sex if it HURTS THEM SO BAD?

Because we're cool resembling that.

Period and going on holiday?

Simply so men could warm them up :)

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There was a study contained by 1998 at the University of Utah, that actually proved the proverb: "cold hands heat hearts".

The researchers found that women's hands are ~3 degree faren. colder than mens' on average. Also they found that women's hearts are apparently radiator (though only by 0.4 deg).

They also found that elder women, were colder (both hand and heart) because of hormones and menopause.

The journal article be called "Cold hand, warm heart" and be published in "The Lancet" medical memoir, issue 9114, pg 1492.

I'm not sure if there hold been more recent studies published.

For those who hold had a D&C?

Two things: One, a woman have more body fat, roughly. This lends to a more insulated core and thus slightly smaller quantity circulation. Second, a woman has smaller amount muscle per weight and more muscle requires more blood flow. Both of these can head to the "cold hands" condition.

Polemic about Circumcision: I want more "compare" and smaller quantity 'rating ' the answers.?

Because they are reptiles.

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I don't think this is really correct. If you own female friends that are cold adjectives the time then they should go and get their thyroid levels tested.

That is the biggest symptom of thyroid disorders and also losing fleece.

I am 51 yrs. old, My tubes hold been tied for over 15 yrs and purely recently I have sex and I bled after.?

Females operate at a slightly higher warmth than Males. That's why segergated schools enjoy such a good sucess rate- lower temps. for boys and superior for girls, so they operate better.

General question?

Because they put their hand in the freezer too long =3.

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because those dingy brawds other gotta clog up the works. it doesnt matter what it is. Your hot, shes cold. your horny, she have a headache. Your bored, she screams domestic terror campaign when you beat her. If it aint one article its another. Lousy skirts.

Plz i need an answer from a doctor?

I don't

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I receive colder than my fiance but I always own warmer hand than he does.

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the solid is at a different level below the skin. Really!! hang contained by there, the hot flashes will even everything out

Period sound out?

women are cold-blooded?

Pain during sex?

Saw your question, I freshly wanted to know myself why I am cold adjectives the time. I am into menopause now. I enjoy been anemic, looks resembling I should start using B12, again. Great question and great answers, thx.

Vaginal thrush.. comfort from a medical professional wud be appreciated!!?

I don't think that's true. I other have thaw hands.

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