Am I mundane? This is something like period, please relief!?
I am a 15 year old girl and in May 2007 (aged 14) I get my period for the first time. It was particularly heavy and lasted almost 9 days. It didn't return until Jan 2008, when it was exactly the same as up to that time. It came back contained by June 08, but was very night light and consisted of very little actual bleeding, overall it lasted roughly 4 days. Then in July I experienced light brown blood similar to the origination of a period, then bled actual red blood for almost an hour, only to experience what looked like the termination of a period. Last night I go to the toilet and began bleeding heavily, so I put in a wipe and went to bed, only to rouse up and find I wasn't bleeding at all and hadn't bled all dark. It is one month on from the last time I bled, but it still can't be normal to single bleed for less than a day. I know the doctor will read out to wait and see, and that's what my mum is saying, but I'm nearly 16 and really want to know what's going on. Can anyone help out? Has anyone experienced anything like this? Lol soz it was so long, it's class of complicated lol. Please help! xxxx
Answers: Your mom and doctor are right, the first few years you have your interval the cycle can be irregular. 2 years after my first period (two years of pretty regular predictable periods) I skipped my period entirely for roughly a month, then the next month I get it. You just need to dally and give time for your body to adjust and regulate itself. .
it is just your body trying to regulate itself! dont verbs. it will take over a year to become regular. however, some women are always irreguler - its something you can't control.
so sorry, but it is of late a case of waiting! :(
good luck!
Dont verbs about it. Your body has to adjust. When I have my first period i just spotted for just about 4 days and didn't start agian for a year and after that they were a little irregular for a few months. Its usual.
wow that's very weird . shift to hospital immediately.
It is still early days it will settle down it is not unusual at your age to be approaching that
your normal just dawdle
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