Does your sense of self change during your length?


About my period misery.?

For me, it's not during. It's three days before; resembling clockwork. I turn into an angry b*. It's weird. Because I know it , but I only just can't help getting angry at stupid stuff!! Well, at tiniest I know when it's coming! :)

Big ribcage means?

Yes i become the ** on wheel. I don't want to be around anyone. I have a husband and for a moment boy. I wished I could put my husband on one and agree to him ride the cotton pad.

I am 12 and i own this weird discharge contained by my underwear and i dont have my time of year yetcould this be a sign?

I get depressed, short temper, and pessimistic. I have to save reminding myself what time of the month it is and make sure that I don't bring in any major decision at that time. Sad but true.

How do u get rid of a hickie?

Personally, my self-esteem does change... seriously. I have massive mood swings. The slightest things construct me go from happy/giggly to crying or yell and then once I consistency better even the tiniest thing can see me right back into person upset (crying or yelling).

There seems to be a medical drive for it [see my source link]. It varies from personality to person though.

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