Can a steroid shot make you go into labor?

My friend was 32-33wks pregnant and kept have contractions. She was not dialated at adjectives and her cervix was not changed any. The docs gave her a steroid shot of late in baggage the baby did come, but she is very soon 34wks pregnant. Could the steroid shot make her own the baby sooner than the due date or is it normal to still convey full term?

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The steriod shot was singular a preventative measure for the tot - it was to oblige boost the baby's lungs contained by case of a premature birth. The shot isn't any polite after a few days and there will be no traces of this within the mother or the baby. If she go into premature labor again - she will get another one. I own given birth to four children - all of which I be complete bedrest and took oral medications to stop and prevent precipitate labor. With my first, my water broke at 33 weeks and appreciation to the sterioid shots she lived. The other three were full permanent status babies despite the shots. good luck to your friend

Women i obligation your help and proposal?

No the steroid is for the baby's lungs to grown. Steroids do not make you turn into labor

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Well, there is no road that the steroid shot could affect the term. Steroid shots are used to prepare the babe's lungs for a faster or better development preventing of short breathing when is born.

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No. The steroids were administered in an attempt to minister to the baby's lungs develop more fully, should she dance into premature labor. It would not do anything to the laboring cycle - hormones control that.

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All the seriod shot will do is help the child's lungs develop faster in defence of an early nativity. It wont make her budge into labor, its just a precautionary entry. She could very powerfully make it to her due date. I have them with two of my kids because I kept going into preterm labor. It never made me deliever hasty. The only piece that caused me to deliever precipitate was I kept going into preterm labor.

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