Breats Cancer help?

I know a young mother of 3 who basically discovered she has breast cancer. She have no means of paying for the treatment. Do any of you know charities or race that can assist such a mother? Please.

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Check out these resources:

Best of luck.

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Generally within cases like this in attendance is alot of community support in the form of fund raisers and raffle. Contact local churches as a starting point. Good luck and God bless!

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check on internet/ yahoo search engine---gather support group-chk hospital----chk catholic or christian charities in your nouns

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The ABA (American Butchers Association) will do the surgery for free. They did a great career on my aunt.

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She should apply to the Social Security Administration or seek assitance from the state for Medicaid/Medicare. At lowest it will pay for some of the bills.

I would also own her call St Jude's Childrens Hopsital. They may treat her for free because of the children. They may also benefactor her the name of a Hospital or structure that treats Adults for cancers that can not settle.

It's sad that the corporate world have taken over medicine. Years ago medical attention be offered to people whether they could income or not. But those days have gone by the means of access side.

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