Losing weight fast?

ummm.iv recently started to lose weightiness really fast. iv lost lyk 4 kgz surrounded by 12 dayz. i dunno. im not exercising or anything. im a junk food user. so things shud b the other way round. also, iv started sprouting greatly of hair on my frontage. wut do i do? im not worried for the weight loss cuz im overweight and very soon only 2 kgz from my desire weight. but the mane? is there something wrong near me??

Is this normal ??

Sounds approaching you may have a problem next to your thyroid, as you are losing weight so without delay. This will be having an adverse effect on your hormones which is probably the apology for the hair.
Please see a doctor to ensure you don't enjoy anything nasty approaching a tumour on the thyroid.

How long after a miscarriage do you start your period?

Loosing consignment so fast could be something alarming.Kindly drop by a doctor asap.

why i so highly sick?date birth october29,1963. ghazala?

I enjoy had plentiful problems with my thyroid and it kinda sounds similar to Hyperthyroidism, so I definitely also recommend seeing a doctor promptly in bag of thyroid problems!

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