Follow up from my cross-examine of what would you do?

I have have a history of kidney obstruction due to pregnancy it is documented and my former perinatologist have a well documented report stating that and that I deliver early and he reported my renal panel be normal except for enjoy high wbc count. I have hydronephrosis and so a urologist was brought contained by for assessment and treatment. This meant trying a j tube stent and next early transfer. I am having same symptoms and prior two pregnancies and this doctor is refuse to do all conducting tests necessary to amount out the obstruction. This is not ligament discomfort. I have ureter and renal colic especially when I drink river and have to urinate it really burns when I urinate and ache and some days I have low urine output. So it is not liganment throbbing. I have have that that is nought compared to this pain.

Girls with the sole purpose!?

This is an extremely serious matter. It sounds to me resembling you need to find a topical physician, or get a second belief at least. This is noxious towards you and your baby.

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