I'm hurting really bad here..can somebody help me?

Ok, I've had what my doctor thought be a yeast infection for over a year and a half immediately..she finally decided to convey me to a gyno, but the gyno was pretty much incompetent to. They didn't do any test on me besides a UTI (urinary tract infection) test and discovered that I have a really bad one. Oh, and it be last Thursday that I have the appt. with the gyno and she give me medicine.

Now I woke up this morning and the lower fragment of the right side of my back was/is butchery me. I can barely way of walking, and it brought me to my knees at one point. My mom says that it where on earth my kidneys are. So, do you think I hold developed a kidney infection? If so, what should I do? I'm dreading school tomorrow and hoping it will perceive better by the morning. So, any tricks on how to feel better would assist.

Thanks for the advice!

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NOT time for tricks! I hold been hospitalized twice near kidney infections..several days on IV antibiotics and morphine!! This can get really serious! It sounds like it have moved into your kidney and you need to see a Doctor NOW.contact me if you wish

My first experience.My first symptom be that bad stern pain and when I go to my doctor, they did a urine test and a blood examination.I was admit immediately because my white count be elevated.

(I was forced to switch doctors due to insurance)

My second experience.my doctor put me on an antibiotic that did not work but she didn't believe me so I completed up calling the doctor's office everyday for 2 weeks and making 2 trips to the ER.I finally go to an ER in a different city and upon right of entry my white cell count was over 12,000 and a CT scan showed that my kidney be completely black with infection.I very soon have irreparable damage.

Please do not put yourself through equal experience.It was almost as fruitless as childbirth because it got so desperate!!

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maybe you have kidney stones, it does affect the lower posterior, best to drink much water, and enjoy a doc check it out

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Pure cranberry juice though intensely tart usually help to get rid of those, but if the infection is in the kidneys and hurts that unpromising you should also see a doctor soo.

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Your urinary tract is connected to your kidneys and an UTI that has be left untreated can distinctly spread to your kidneys. Pain in the kidneys might be a sign of a kidney infection or it might be a side effect of the antibiotic. In any case, you must phone your doctor. I would say stay home from academy and get posterior into the doctor.

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If in certainty it is a kidney infection without the proper antibiotics you can develop kidney injure which is irreversible. If their is blood in your urine i.e. a definate sign there is something wrong next to your kidneys. Seek professional help immediatly. I wouldn't jump to school tomorrow minus going to the doctors first. Drink plenty plenty of fluids avoid dairy, caffiene..and other products such as that. Water and cranberry juice are probably best.

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I'd utter that your Mom should get you to a children's hospital (if you're beneath 16) and explain the problem. Go to a regular hospital if you're over 16. Most hospitals now own walk surrounded by clinics in their front lobbies. It is time you changed your doctor. Any doctor that would leave a tolerant suffering for over a year and a half in need proper treatment, needs to be question on his conduct by the medical board.

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I use to be prone to those real fruitless when I was contained by school. If you will stand and produce your self drink several glasses of hose down and carry hose to ever class and sit there and sip on it adjectives day that have made my infections go away minus having to shift to the doctor, unless yours has gone on for too long. If drinking the hose down does not make it quality any better by the end of the time see a different doctor and let them know what you enjoy been through. Good Luck!!

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Drink greatly of water and sooner 100% Cranbarry juice. This will flush out your kidneys, liver and bladder. Cranberry liquid will keep the microbes from growing and sticking to your insides.

Also you could get yogert next to active cultures close to Activa which will fight anything bacteria you enjoy growing inside your bladder etc. You can also mix Acidophilous (get from health food store pill or tea form) surrounded by yogert and eat it similar to that or take it by itself. If you devise it's a yeast infection then mix plain yogert and that near the Acidophilus and make a douch.

Good Luck

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First go to a hospital. Second, make over doctors.

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The infection could have go into the kidneys. Maybe the antibiotic did not work? There are lots of antibiotics out there. On the other paw you could have a kidney stone. I would move about back to the doctor.

>>>plz HELP me<<<<< *Flat-chested problems*?

Go see another doctor for another evaluation.

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