Ladies, how outmoded were you when you first go to the gynecologist?

Was it hard, or not at adjectives?

I'm always exhausted!?

I get my first pap smear and pelvic exam at age 18 and it was done by my primary prudence physician. I didn't start going to the gynecologist til I was 25 and the apology that occurred is because of some of the medical problems I have.

It wasn't hard for me at adjectives. A really good dr will do everything they can to fashion it an easy experience and also explain things that they are doing the exam as they do it.

The thing I close to about my dr is that even though I've be doing this for almost 20 years to get my annual check up she will still tolerate me know when she's going to examine me when it comes to checking my organs to make sure zilch abnormal have occurred between my annual check ups next to her.

If you have auxiliary questions for me please have a feeling free to e-mail or IM me privately away from the board any time.

Any good thinking for loosing weight near PCOS?

27, it was different

What is on your right side,little bit below your belly?

It is mortified but shouldn't hurt. If you have never have sex then yes it's gonna hurt. All you enjoy to do is relax and it will be over in almost a minute. If you are sexually active you should turn no matter what age you are. If not consequently I think 21 is the suggested age to start have exams.

I was wondering the side effects of breast implant and also the good things something like breast implants.?

24 coz of a history of irregular period

Breastfeeding 14 month old daughter (morning and hours of darkness only) and pregnant?

16, and it was awful.

What does it scrounging when your period is brown?

I be 19 years old, and married. I go to confirm whether I was pregnant, or not.

Yes it is self-conscious. But more out of embarrassment than out of any discomfort. The doctor usually talked to me, roughly other things while he examined me. I assume it was so that I would not concentrate so much on the process of the exam.

It is over beforehand you know it. The anxiety is really worse than the actual exam. Good luck.

Help! im flat chested!?

ive never been and im 21

Ladies: Im a guy who requests help on tanning?

got my first PAP try-out when i was 17.they are really diligent and understanding when its your first time. it be a little awkward but as long as you know ur doctor does this adjectives day its not doomed to failure.

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