i constantly have been feeling sick and nauseous for a whole week?

I am female, I hold just have my period so I don't guess I am pregnant. But my stomach just feel weak and I hold been reaction like this for over a week, of late looking at some foods an most smells just gross me want to throw right up! Strange huh?

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If you just have your period and are not within mid cycle (ovulating) chances are you are not pregnant. I am assuming you are using some form of birth control, yes? However, if you own an actual migraine you should note that they patently DO cause nausea and vomiting in various cases. Additionally, while you may not have a typical migraine, you can win headaches that have a feeling like migraines. These are those that come give or take a few from a sinus infection, and they can also make you touch queasy. As an aside, migraines can come on in with your extent, so it could be hormonal.

It could also be a simple virus that has artificial you or something you ate. My best advise is to telephone your doctor and see them.

Feel better!

Boobs ain't sexy no more? :(?

Do routine Blood and Urine Tests. Consult a physician and show him the results. If his treatments are not working consult a Clinical Psychologist.

Girls Advice!?

are you SURE you are not pregnant, you are showing some symptoms

Question roughly the pill yasmin any one who takes it presently and anyone else who can help?

You could own a stomach virus, but it's not out of the question that you could be pregnant if you own had unprotected sex contained by the last month. Some women own a light-regular period and are still immensely much pregnant. This happened to me. Most stomach virus resolve in a few days. Take a pregnancy assessment just to be sure. Good Luck!

About ovaries cysts?

perhaps a different boyfriend..

Im kinda worried bout my lump?

i feel approaching this before and after my time. I think its to do beside your hormones constantly changing. You may hold a hormone imbalance so you could try to receive the doctor to run some blood tests.

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Might be those pickles and rime cream you are consuming ..lol.and you can be pregnant and still have a extent..time will tell sweetie..and if you are? congratulations

HOw do you trim ur pubes?

Get the conducting tests kits out.

Some general public have be known to enjoy periods until belated into there pregnancy. And i`d utter thats whats making you queasy

is there a place contained by arkansas where i can receive a free mammogram?

could be just a stomach virus that you've caught. virus typically take 10-14 afternoon to run their course and that could be why you still feel sick eventhough a week have gone by.

if you are able to keep hold of things down-eat plain,bland,nonspicy foods. things that are gentle on the stomach-such as soups,salads,breads,rice,crack.

avoid sodas or juice-these enjoy high sugar content and can upset your stomach more and can also dehydrate you surrounded by the event that you do start vomiting

carbonation can help settle your stomach but single drink clear sodas such as sprite,7up or ginger ale.

make sure to drink plenty of fluids to facilitate keep your body hydrated and to relieve flush out the virus..

i would call your doctor if you develop any of the following symptoms

-fever of 101 of higher
-severe vomiting ( if you are suddenly not competent to keep anything including sea down and this goes on for more than 4 hours-get to an emergency room-this indicated dehydration)
-persistant headache

if you open to feel shaky or dizzy, call 911 or own someone take you to the hospital

likelihood are you just caught a bug and it will thieve time for it to work it's way out of your system

My length last for 3 days next if stops and come back the subsequent day for a few hours consequently stops again. Why?

Maybe hyperacidity. Consult with a physician but avoid sodas/soft drinks, avoid fatty foods, avoid skipping meals- drink at least every four hours- biscuits short much salt will be enormously beneficial. Do not wait for your stomach to hurt formerly you eat. No liquor or carbonated drinks. [email protected]

I'm 13 days belated on my period and I have a feeling depressed.?

Get the EPT test, presently. Run to Target now. Take something to puke in though.

Irregular time of year?

sweetie this are all symptoms of pregnancies.one can own her period even when she is pregnant so i will advise you to see a do tor go and for a lab tryout.

Ladies: How long does it take your man to reload the "cannon" for another shot?

Hey - I've have this, was a sickness bug. Should stir in a few days time :)

missed time of year?

i some times feel resembling this in the mornings, at first i thought it be morning sickness, but i did a test and it said denial, i went to the docs and he did some test on me and i was have a phantom pregnacy, ig ot all the symptoms of have baby but no babay at the expire of it.
well gutted.

My boyfriend sits down to pee when he is over at my apt he utter that way he won't draw from the toilet seat wet

could be a bug but if your term was different find a test righteous luck to you

The urge to urinate??

im 34 wks pregnant and that was exactly how i feel but there could be other reason why ur feeling approaching this. try not to worry effect its very fearsome wen u think ur pregnant. and if u r pious luck cause the sickness entry gets worse trust me

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maybe its lately a bug thats going round, but perhaps you should get hold of cheacked out by your doctor just to get sue!
hope u feel better soon :)

Why does polycystic overies craft you over weight?

take a experiment, sounds like you could be the big P word

Perky Nipple problem (ladys only) - Sensible answers only please?

you can still hold your period and be pregnant

Cervical biopsy?

I enjoy that feeling every morning when I enjoy to get up and turn to work!

Have any studies been done to determine the fastidiousness given to menopausal woman vs. younger reproductive women?

i just found out that have a period surrounded by the first trimester is normal so don't rule it out .you can also enjoy a uti because that can cause you to have indistinguishable feeling . only go to your doctor to bring in sure. and if you are pregnant then detail him or her that you don't have a clue when you get prenant because you have be having a ordinary period so that they can afford you an ultrasound to make sure that everything beside the baby is adjectives right.

Two months with no time and all the pregnancy tryout are negative?

i can convey you right now its not the flu.you own a bisquit in the oven even thou you hold a period .my mother have her period and she have me.

GIRLS PLEASE Only! i have a interrogate?

Not too strange, I get that route sometimes before and after my term, especially if my nerves are shot. I would just capture a preg. test to be sure contained by a couple weeks if still bothering you schedule appointment next to DR.

Serious answers only! Women's robustness?

maybe pregnant, i have a newborn and when i be 3 months pregnant i started bleeding, but she is fine and they said it's normal. if it is migraine street lamp and sounds magnify a million times and you wanna puke. maybe a virus you really ought to be tested. virtuous luck.

Why don't women like/want/desire/enjoy/or think more or less sex as much as men do?

sounds like the flu
step to the doctor

Women only: is it really so bloody having childbirth minus anesthetics?

if u havent had sex u enjoy nothing 2 verbs about. try taking a pregnacy experiment.

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I had my extent one month into my pregnancy..


Lump above my breast?

There is still a possibility that you may be pregnant, you should go and capture tested and find out, and if you are then congrats and I need you the best of luck!! take watchfulness hun!!

Tampon Question?

Do routine Blood and Urine Tests. Consult a physician and show him the results. If his treatments are not working consult a Clinical Psychologist.

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