My stupid spell uhhh!HELP!!
Answers: Water works wonders! Exercise and stay away from brackish it will only make you bloat more whip a warm bath:)
Don't verbs, all women have matching problem you have whenever it comes to their periods. So, they're lots of things you can do to capture rid of those cramps.
>>> Put on a tampon (optional) and go into a bathtub saturate with warm/hot water and lately relax. The hotter the water, the better. But you should also keep surrounded by mind that super hot water can burn you or even damage you.
>>> Boil some river on the stove and put it in a water bottle. Put it against where on earth your cramps are. Be careful you don't burn yourself. If you think the hose down is too hot, let it cool a bit before you put it implicit your body.
>>> If it's hot wherever you are, you can put a bag of rime to sort of numb the spot. I never tried it but it can work, I guess.
>>> Eating your favourite foods always make you happier.
>>> Drinking tea may help calm your nerves.
You can mull over of almost anything to get rid of cramps. You can try to fall asleep and that could work sour the pain from your period.
Lourdes .
I also asked a request for information about that and besides some meds and as what they said:
Eat some Bananas
Use a heating wad or if you dont ave any, a warm water surrounded by a bottle put it on your tummy
Have some warm bath to brand name you relax
Rest or take a nap for a couple of hours
Watch tv or do something to distract you to what twinge you're having
well, that's adjectives! :]
Best of Luck! x.
Heating pad, meds definately. A hot shower, bath. exercising, heat pad, hot bath, hot soup, watching tv, & sleeping.
heat pads,
and eating bananas because of the potassium stir run three miles.
your body will love the endorphins
A heating pad other worked for me?