Women only: is it really so painful having childbirth without anesthetics?



I don't ever want to find out....

A very blunt examine about women's robustness?

yes it is but they say it is worth it. Thankfully i have my children in the days of druga so i don't remember a article.
They also say it make u closer to ur children, which i am not.
so it's ur call

Could this be a miscarriage?

I did it four times. And I be a nurse in labor and transport and can tell you that alot of other women hold done it too. Is it painful...yes...is it possible to ride out it..of course! For alot of years it be only done this means of access. It's not new.

GIRLS ONLY! Please read this very soon?

It hurts like hell, but it is sooooooooooooo worth it. I have my daughter all unconscious, and I would never have taken anything for the stomach-ache. Labor is the most painful, the birth is a breeze... And this be 15 years ago!

Any girl know the answer to this? didn't get oodles responses last time..?

I dont own any chilren.. but from the stories I've heard... YES! it does hurt to own a natural childbirth... but the friends and household menmber who have... read aloud it's the best choice... not only because you're not doping up your kid... but you also enjoy control. with the drugs... you're a short time ago kind of wing it. and then you're out of it for so long... more than usual I mingy.

I personaly plan on haveing a natural c.b. but I guess it really matter on the mom. whatever you get the impression you need to do

hold fun!! and congrats!

Is it because of the lack of?

My mom have me naturally (not by choice - the doctor get there too past due for the epidural) and she has told me repeatedly that she have cramps worse than labor. I guess it just vary from person to party. I was also her third child, so that might spawn a difference too.

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OH YA! I pretty much go the whole road without anything until I be 10 cm and had to push, I asked them for an epidural, polite thing they didnt check me b4 they did that because they wouldnt enjoy givin it to me. I reccomend getting one as soon as u feel affliction ahhahahah

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I labored with both my kids minus any meds. The worst part be the anticipation of the pain, not the actual contractions and pushing. It's greatly worth it NOT to have the agony killers, I wouldn't even chew over of having them very soon.

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