Serious answers only! Women's health?

I am currently taking yasmine birth control and I think the dose is too low for me because my period have suddenly gotten longer and my cramps are worse my pms is so unacceptable I can't even stand to be around anyone and I have bleak headaches during my length. Is there another accurate birth control out there that doesn't product you gain weight?

Women--anyone found the supplement DHEA to result in weight gain?

You inevitability to talk beside your doctor, tell him your problems, and later you may have to trial and error a few medicine to get your correct dosage and right drug for you, not every one reacts to one and the same meds in duplicate way, it sounds resembling you are trading one worry for several miseries produce the doctor give you taste medicines until you find the correct one for you they enjoy plenty and do not mind giving them to you if you ask

Yeast infection?

I take seasonale so I with the sole purpose get a cycle every 3 months.

My interval in february be a 34 day cycle?

Orthro tri cyclen.. It clears your frontage up 2.

Why has my period stopped, I am 49 had a child nearly 6yrs ago my periods did`nt come wager on and doc said it was

you might want to ez up on the dairy which causes the cramps (icecream, milk yoghurt and so on are the foremost cauze for your cramps)
womens wisdom womens condition by c. northrup has some 70 page on your period and your health
You budge good luck my friend

Is near a household remedy for getting rid of menstrual cramps?

It is actually singular an old wives fairy-tale that birth control makes you gain counterbalance, so this should not be taken into consideration when deciding a contreceptive method. I am currently on Desogen and I enjoy had no side effects, my period are shorter, I have no PMS, and I enjoy had NO cargo gain. Talk to your gyno about adjectives options and alternatives so that they can assistance you make the best judgment for YOU.

Two days ofb birth control pills and I am already feeling the side effects? Libido disappeared?

I use Tricyclen. There are frequent different birth control methods to choose from. Talk to your doctor and he/she can recommend the best thing for you.

I hold been nauseated for a week I haven't vomited though.?

Your prescribing physician will be capable of help you and possibly regulate your birth control pills after telling him the presenting problem.

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