Bad time pain but no term?

since yesterday afternoon i have have what feels approaching bad time pain contained by my lower abdomen pay for and sides, it is dull and constant. it even woke me last dark when i dreamt i was contained by labour ( i remember the pains from when i be in occupation a few years ago) but with occupation it came surrounded by waves this is constant and it hurts.... i enjoy not had time pain for years.... so i enjoy no idea what it could be. any thinking?


Cold Night Sweats?

as this pain have lasted longer than 48 hours see your GP. if you cannot see your GP.if you live within Scotland phone nhs24. if you live in England phone nhs direct. for counsel.

Putting ur privates under running hose down?

It could be a fart on its way out.

I gone out some info in my last interview.?

sometimes people go and get cramps 1 or 2 weeks before their length.

Women - Sick after Orgasm?

Could you be pregnant?

How do i calculate my size? what would a size 0 be?(american&english sizes if pos,apparently they're different

(I.B.L) irritable bowel syndrome could be a negotiable reason I take it and it feels sometimes similar to bad time of year pain and recurrently keep up adjectives night
but a GP is the best way to go
as it may be something more serous and irritable bowl Sydrome can be ease by medication.

Is it normal that your time of year does not came on date?why?

i know how you touch Ive been have un regular periods for ages but respectively month i get those cramps and they waste and yeah they do feel approaching labour plains don't they if they pass on go to your doctor i hope they clear up soon. pebbles xxx

I own my period for 6days but not again for another year..facilitate? *?

you may start very soon...or be expecting....Or own gas

Plastic surgery?

irritable bowel syndrome

How do you make?

hi hun i hold the same entry as you it really hurts and once it comes it stays for a bout 3 days but still no period i own had it 4 almost 2 months

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