Irregular period?

I first got mine when I be twelve, i'm eighteen in a couple months. I've never have a regular period, on average here are four months between each time of year, some times going up to six months. I've only have it two months in a row once within that time.
I have gotten a hormone exam, but it came rear without any problems.
One of the things worrying me (besides person irregular) is that I have a cousin who have the same problem. She go on birth control for a while, but the moment she went rotten of it the problem came rear. A doctor was finally competent to tell her that her uterus be very diminutive, and that she wouldn't be able to enjoy kids. What really is the likelyhood of this being my problem?
Another quiz: if my doctor (i'm seing her soon) wants to put me on b.c., i don't want to shift on b.c. It's a personal thing, my mother doesn't realize. Is there any physical toll of having an irregular interval?


wots the meaning of : A BACKDOOR GIRL::?

I experienced like peas in a pod problem. I didn't start my period until I be fifteen. From that moment on they were incredibly stout and I would go a accurate six months or more without my term. My blood tests seem fine...

My doctor at the time prescribed progesterone. It basically in recent times sheds the lining of your uterus. They repeatedly prescribe this to people who are at a youthful age. I took this for ten days each month. When I finished taking them I would bring my period. Eventually my body figure it out and I started to get on a regular cycle.

That is until I got married and go on bc. I just get off within Dec. and my irregularity came stern. Ugh! I went over two months and never get my period. I go to the doctor and he prescribed progesterone once again. Then he had me run in for blood test.

The progesterone did the trick for me and the next month I get my period fund in a wonderful 29 year cycle.

My suggestion for you would be to NOT go on BC. You will be hugely irregular when you get rotten again and will encounter the same exact problems that you own now.

You should however consider taking a progesterone prescription. My doctor prescribed Prometrium. It's a natural progesterone and will shed the pool liner in your uterus. (Which you really requirement to prevent bad things similar to cancer!)

I took it at night and have no side effects. I wouldn't worry too much roughly speaking your cousins uterus problem. Irregularity unfortunately is more exceptional than you think.

I hope this help! And I don't blame you for not wanting to get on won't solve long residence will just cover them up! =)

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