Ultra nouns for poly cystic syndrome?

forgive me about me spelling but i am soon getting a ultra nouns for this and am kinda of scared whats it approaching and how it feels do i own to strip naked?

I basically had sex for the first time and im have some bleeding, when will the popped cherry blood be done.?

There are 2 methods of ultrasound which can be used for the abdomen.

External and internal.

You should not have need of to strip naked for any one of these, but you may be asked to remove your clothes from the waist down. (don't worry, you'll attain a gown!)

The process:
For external, they will put some gel on you, and then roll something that looks approaching a strange computer mouse over your ovaries while taking images.

For internal, you will involve to remove your underpants.
They will insert a smooth "wand" into your vagina to take descriptions.

Neither process will cause misery, it's unlikely that you'll even experience the slightest discomfort.
These tests are a breeze!

Nothing to verbs about.

Good luck!

Discharge and sex?

No want to worry. You will freshly have to verbs up your shirt and maybe unbutton your pant but you will not have to strip. Somw places may prefer a gown. If the ultrasound is done externally they will ask you to drink plenty of fluids to crawl your bladder as full as you can stand it. They will put KY Jelly or something similiar on your belly (this is usually cold) and then rub the wand across your belly and purloin pictures. That is all near is to it. IF the ultrasound is done internally then you will hold to take rotten your panties and will be in a gown. They will ask you to insert an instrument (looks similar to a dildo) into your vagina. The examiner will move it around while its inside looking for your ovaries but your are covered and the examiner is looking at the screen the entire time. It can be a touch uncomfortable this process if you are nervous and dont relax. Oh and by the method if its done this way they ask you to unoccupied your bladder first. Hope this helped.

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