Have any studies been done to determine the care given to menopausal woman vs. younger reproductive women?

Menopausal and perimenopausal women often times suffer from the inventory of 37.. or more.. health concerns that turn out as their hormones are changing. Many doctors rob a dim view of taking these women's complaints seriously, or even consider them at adjectives; or they toss them a script for hormone replacement psychiatric therapy. Has a study been done, or research contained by the works to look at the vast differences between a younger woman within her prime, versus an older complaining woman as far as what generous of care an elder woman can expect to have as pretty good..

My mother is 45 years old.She quality headache,low fever,muscular contrations within her hands & legs from 2 months.?

Studies are anyone done all the time. Hope they find out something righteous soon. It must be quite difficult since women are immensely different in this nouns.

Do women with anorexia slop out of love with their husband/boyfriend sudennly?

Forgive me, but I have an idea that you're asking the wrong group. I'm in my 50's but I get the attitude the vast majority writing here are in their teens or impulsive 20's.

My experience is that as I've aged, many GYN MDs are no longer deliver babies due to the increased costs in malpractice insurance. They ONLY deal next to menopausal women.

Try getting your answer from WebMD.com or AARP.org. There is much more life experience on those boards.

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