My boyfriend sits down to pee when he is over at my apt he say that way he won't get the toilet seat wet

with pee

Breast tenderness?

Would you to some extent sit on clean toilet form or one covered with his pee? It would merely take you one time to sit surrounded by a puddle of his pee, before you appreaciate him sitting. Beside, it make for less cleaning for you (backsplash, over-spray, missed target).

As a guy, lifting up any toilet form with your mitt is nasty surrounded by the first place (thus pee troffs in most men's rooms). Lifting it up beside foot is possible, but may possibly leave a dirt engrave of skuff on your seat.

Unless he's sitting for pleasure, it simply a couple of minutes off his foot.

I have be having sharp cramp in my side?

he is merely being languorous and he probably does that everywhere he pee's. he lied to u when he told u that, i hate liars

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